HomeBusiness2011 Is The Best Holiday Ever For Kindle Fire Tablet & E-Readers

2011 Is The Best Holiday Ever For Kindle Fire Tablet & E-Readers

Amazon has announced that 2011 was the best holiday ever for the Kindle family as customers purchased millions of Kindle Fires and millions of Kindle e-readers. Authors also continue to benefit from the success of Kindle — the #1 and #4 best-selling Kindle books released in 2011 were both published independently by their authors using Kindle Direct Publishing.

More Kindle holiday facts:

  • Throughout December, customers purchased well over 1 million Kindle devices per week.
  • The new Kindle family held the top three spots on the Amazon.com best seller charts – #1: Kindle Fire, #2: Kindle Touch, #3: Kindle.
  • Kindle Fire is the #1 best-selling, most gifted, and most wished for product across the millions of items available on Amazon.com since its introduction 13 weeks ago.
  • Kindle is also the best-selling product on Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, Amazon.fr, Amazon.es and Amazon.it this holiday season.
  • Gifting of Kindle books was up 175 percent between this Black Friday and Christmas Day compared to the same period in 2010.
  • Christmas Day was the biggest day ever for Kindle book downloads.

Kindle Fire is the best-selling product on Amazon.com’s mobile website and across all of Amazon.com’s mobile applications.

2011 was also a record-breaking holiday season for businesses that sell on Amazon. Third-party sellers experienced record holiday growth: the number of sellers who exceeded $5,000 in sales during the holiday season increased 44 percent year-over-year. For the year, businesses on Amazon sold hundreds of millions of units worth billions of dollars worldwide.

Scharf Industries, an office supplies and electronics provider, increased its sales on Amazonby over 500 percent this holiday season compared with last holiday season.

Other seller successes include:

  • Amazon’s third-party sellers sold enough cameras for every fan at the next 10 Super Bowls to snap their own shots of the winning touchdown.
  • Amazon’s third-party sellers sold enough toys in 2011 to give a toy to every resident o fChicago. In fact, they sold as many Lalaloopsy Dolls as there are lights on the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree in New York City.


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