HomePhonesGionee Cautions Customers Not To Purchase Its Smartphones From E-Commerce Portals

Gionee Cautions Customers Not To Purchase Its Smartphones From E-Commerce Portals

After Lenovo, it is Chinese handsets makers Gionee, who is not comfortable with selling its smartphones through Indian e-commerce sites. Gionee of China is selling in India its range of high-end Elife range of smartphones and various other entry level and mid range of smartphones. In a statement issued today, Gionee has clarified that they have not made arrangements with any e-commerce site to sell their smartphones. Gioneee has advised its prospective customers to purchase its smartphones from its authorised retailers or from its own e-store for getting proper after sales service and warranty benefits.

Gionee Smart phone logo

The reason for the stand taken by Gionee stems from the fact that Gionee values its distributors and retailers who have invested a lot with Gionee to make their smartphones quite popular in India. Since the online retailers sell the products at cut-throat competition, undercuts the price and  make life miserable for the mortar and brick shops, Gionee does not want its retailers to suffer at the hands of e-commerce sites. Gionee wants its distributors and retailers to sell its products without the fear of competition from the e-commerce portals and feel secured with their investment and also get rewarded for their efforts.

We reproduce below contents of the statement of Gionee :

“In the light of recent instances, Gionee has issued an advisory cautioning its consumers asking them not to purchase their products from any online retailers.

Gionee does not have any direct arrangement with any e-commerce web site in India as of now and they only sell through the official Gionee e-store www.gionee.co.in/estore and its registered distributors. The customers are requested to check all warranty and service related details carefully when buying from e-commerce websites”.


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