HomePhonesiPhone 4S - The iPhone Legacy Continues.....

iPhone 4S – The iPhone Legacy Continues…..

Apple iPhone 4S was launched last week a day before the death of its co-founder Steve Jobs. Apple fans who had waited for 15 months about its launch, gave it overwhelming response. AT&T sold more than 200,000 devices just in the first 12 hours in US alone! Wall street analysts are optimistic that hardware and software enhancements in 4S, including a well-reviewed voice-recognition software system will attract potential buyers.

The latest iPhone 4S  shall be available in the retail stores around the world on 14th October, 2011. It debuts at a critical juncture for Apple Inc. Smartphones based on Google’s  Android OS such as Samsung Galaxy, are providing tough competition just as the new CEO of Apple Inc, takes the charge. Some analysts are of the opinion that people seeking to commemorate the legacy of Apple’s iconic co-founder may grab the very last iPhone to be unveiled in his lifetime, giving sales a huge bump.

iPhone 4S is now sold in US by three wireless operators versus just one. Last year, Only AT&T  was selling the iPhone. The previous generation of the smartphone – iPhone 4 was the fastest selling mobile in Apple’s history with 1.7 million devices selling in the first three days of its launch. If predictions are to be believed then Apple shall be able to sell about 28 million iPhones in the October – December quarter!!

Apple fans what are you waiting for. Just visit Apple store on or after 14th October and bring your darling device to home 😉


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