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Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella Share His Views On Tech for Good, Ideas for India

At an event in New Delhi, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has spoken in length about technogolgy for well being with special reference to Indian perspectives in the presence of Minister of State for Finance, Jayant Sinha, creators, developers, enterpreneurs, media and other delegates. In his keynote address, Satya Nadella spoke about the various transformations which the technology has brought about in the recent past and how the technology will transform our lives which we can only imagine at the present.


Satya Nadella also talked about the way Microsoft is creating the platform to change the way we see the world and empowering humans, enterprises and governments. This platform will help achieve the desired results with the help of intelligent cloud resources, mixed reality and augmented reality, Internet of Things, bot interfaces that understand human dialogue.

We reproduce below excerpts of the speech of Satya Nadella:

”In today’s day, the world that you live in, the world that you are going to shape, the world that you are going to change, that canvas is so rich. When I think about even our own ambitions, when I look at the kind of applications, solutions that you are going to build for all walks for life, for all industries, the level of intelligence that you are going to infuse into that, is pretty stunning. For example now, there is not a single app that you are going to build going forward that’s not going to have computer vision built in and the ability to see things; there is not going to be a single app that you are going to build that does not have the ability to recognize speech. You are going to have apps that recognize natural language and text, and that ability to bring cognition into the application experiences and then augment in fact, human capability is a pretty phenomenal time to be a developer.”

”Think about the kinds of applications you could build, but more importantly, think about what it does to democratizing the experience. Instead of us having the cognitive know as users of learning new shell constructs, downloading icon after icons, and screen after screens of apps, what if all you did was spoke or texted and you were able to get the work done. That’s the world I think you can create. In fact, you will build bots that have fundamental understanding of human language – just like how you built websites in the past, just like how you build mobile apps in the past. You are going to build these bot interfaces that understand human dialogue. And, it’s going to be a pretty profound shift in how computing is experienced by everybody. It’s probably going to be the most democratizing force and make it accessible to anybody, who is 80 years old or an 8-year-old.”

”And talking about changes in the experience of computing, the other platform, the other innovation that I am just completely blown away by is mixed reality and augmented reality. —-I mean think about what NASA scientists are able to do now – they’re able to see the Rover move on Mars but the holographic output of the Rover is right there in their office. That means they can walk around and examine the soil on Mars as a holographic output.”

”These three platforms that we are creating – the intelligent cloud platform that gives every application cognition and computational resources so that you can do anything; this idea of reinventing productivity and business process, how you interface with every institution and every process becomes much more natural to a conversation because of the bots you build, because the applications that you build have language understanding; and lastly, the apps that you build, the experiences you build for mixed reality.
We look at this as a platform for you because that’s at the core of our mission – our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. It’s not about celebrating our technologies, it is about really celebrating the technologies that you all in India create. In fact, I want us to be the platform creators that foster the ingenuity of what is happening in India.”

In fact, this morning, I had the good fortune of meeting entrepreneurs, student developers, young student developers, who have such high ambition.——And one of the developers from there has figured out a way to be able to detect, again using computer vision, garbage in our streets and automatically alert the municipal authorities so they can come and pick it up by just taking a simple photograph and using cloud resources and a mobile app to change how garbage collection happens.”

”—- we have to use new technology to create a more equitable society, a more sustainable environment, all around us. That truly is what each one of us is seeking, and what each one of us will have to do.”


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