HomeBusinessNokia To Remain With Windows - New Smartphone On Windows 8 In...

Nokia To Remain With Windows – New Smartphone On Windows 8 In September?

When your plan 1 fails to yield desired results then in such a scenario the best option is to turn to plan 2. But if you are hell bent upon to stick to your plan 1 despite the dismal outlook and things not moving your way then what  you would call this decision – suicidal? As reported by news agency – Reuters – struggling cellphone maker Nokia  has no plans to abandon its Windows platform for smartphones and will launch its new Windows Phone 8  device soon, Chief Executive Stephen Elop said on Tuesday. It is expected that new smartphone will be launched by Nokia on Windows 8 platform in a trade show in Helsinki on 5-6 September, 2012 before rival Apple promotes its new iPhone.

“In today’s war … (between) Android, Apple and Windows, we are very clear, we are fighting that with the Windows phone,” Elop told reporters. Nokia, the world’s second-largest cellphone maker, is fighting for survival after Apple and Samsung  gained dominance in the smartphone market.

As blogged by us several times earlier, there is no harm for struggling Nokia to revisit its decision to stick with Windows. They can definitely experiment with Android OS on few of its devices and definitely, they will get very good results beyond their expectations as they have very good hardware with them and their expertise in manufacturing mobile phones is till date unmatched. But if they still remain adamant not to embrace the most popular Android platform then we can only pray that they remain in business.

Before making any buying decision for high-end smartphone, customer wants to ensure that the device selected should be upgradable to latest versions of O/S as in this fast changing technology, the device should be compatible with new versions. Unfortunately, the existing Lumia smartphones are not upgradable to the new Windows 8 platform, which is going to be released in October. Whether that platform will be of much use to all the customers or not, does not make much difference but they want such type of smartphone which should be upgradable to next version. Majority of Android smartphones available in the market are upgradable to next version and this is one of the many reasons for their mass appeal and popularity.

Hope one day the decision makers at Nokia will definitely think beyond Windows’s window.


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