HomeBusiness7 Recommended Changes in Google Adsense

7 Recommended Changes in Google Adsense

1. Referral Program :

Why doesn’t Google have a referral program ?

When other networks like Chikita, etc have referral programs then why cant Google start one ? The only reason i can think of not having such a program is that the publisher base is already huge but still it will further attract publishers (who knows even those associated with Chitika might switch to Google! )
Update My Friend Harsh told me on twitter that Google had a referral program earlier. But since it has been discontinued, my question still remains the same.

2. Earning Per Click :

The principal should be that, Every click should count. Why is that Google makes some clicks count and some not ? I understand that accidental clicks shouldn’t be counted as the advertisers will be affected but still a visit is a visit and its not my fault (as a blogger) that the visitor has clicked the ad accidently.


3. Accountablity :

This the most important thing that Google should provide its publishers with. I have read stories on various forums, blogs saying that their Adsense account was banned because of the large amount of clicks their blog had generated and that fact was that some of their “rivals” might have adopted such an indecent policy. They have to find out some permanent solution for this type of nuisance.

4. Suggestion Based Ads :

Adsense dashboard should have an option to allow publishers to suggest certain website that they want to have on their blogs as ads. Though suggesting ads would possibly be prone for abuse but it will allow highly targeted to be placed.

5. Allow Text link Ads :

Okay, so this one might actually be against the current rules and regulations of Google’s indexing policy but imagine if Google allowed us to sell text link ads !

Wouldn’t it be Nice ????

6. Paypal Payout and lowering of payout amount :

I like using paypal though i have a bank account but paypal is more flexible. Besides it will be cheaper for Google to send money via paypal ! I also wish they would lower the minimum from 100 $ to something like 40 $. Although, it isnt possible as paypal is its competitor in payment processing system (Google checkout).

7. Attractive Adsense units :

The google ads look outdated. An alteration in their existing ad structure can sure be a welcome change ! Some shape alteration here and there will ceratinly be helpful. Isn’t it ?

Google can be a law to themselves sometimes and more accountability in their reporting and conflict resolution is long overdue. I think some amendments will be a welcome change. The points mentioned above is what i think should be changed with the current structure of Google.

Do share with us your views on Google’s Current Adsense structure.


  1. I didnt knew that valuation differed from country to country. Thanks for the info. !!!! And i will certainly try to write about adsense alternatives.

  2. Dear Paritosh,
    I approve it. The valuation of site must be on the basis of contents. Not by its age of 6 months. The most peculiar matter is this age limit is not for all countries.
    I think GOOGLE has a fixed idea that what an US or UK citizen can do in 6 days, other countrymen take 6 months for the same work.

    I request you to discuss other alternatives of adsense at least which can be used for first 6 months.

  3. presently i don’t have adsense account.But its a grate source of knowledge.
    thanks for update.
    .-= shivaraj´s last blog ..Things to do after installing wordpress. =-.

  4. I, myself, am a Indian publisher and i didn’t face any problem getting approved from Adsense. People posting their “innocent” stories usually don’t have proper knowledge of the T & C of Adsense and because of that they unknowingly get banned and then blame Adsense for being “biased”.

  5. It seems you have not read the adsense forums. They often ban innocent people and take ages in approving applications.

  6. I am seeing a continuous fall in the CPM value.. Just getting less than 5$ CPM..Thats really bad NEWS for me..I was constantly getting 10$ and above CPM but after this recession period, Google has become a real Miser!
    .-= Tech-Freak Stuff´s last blog ..Just a Small Editorial : I am Sorry! =-.

  7. No! I am fine with whatever they are doing with monitoring of clicks. There are no 2 views to it, just 1 and that is business. Whether the business is mine or yours, it doesn’t matter!
    I agree with only 1,3 and 7.
    4 -> That’s not viable and as you mentioned, proned for abuse
    5 -> I am happy Google has kept it aside. It’s a nuisance for everyone.
    6 -> by having it mandatory to disclose the home address, Google have managed to keep out the spammers a little at-least.
    They can consider lowering the min payout!
    .-= Raju´s last blog ..TechPP Mega Christmas Giveaway : Disk Rescue 2009 =-.

  8. @Raju I dont think except for the 2nd point, an advertiser is going to have any problems. As far as EPC is concerned,yes it will hurt the budget of the advertiser but thats just one side view. I can also ask the same question keeping in mind the publisher. I am sure you too would be annoyed when clicks go unaccounted.

  9. I haven’t gone through all the points. But I have a very simple question. If you were an adwords advertiser, would you have wanted all these features in adsense? (especially the second one)
    .-= Raju´s last blog ..Twitter Hacked and Defaced by Iranian Cyber Army [Updated] =-.

  10. @Saksham Talwar I don’t know about the site limit but in my case i got approved for adsense within 2 months from the date of starting my blog. And as far as banning an account is concerned, there is always a way to contact Google by opening a support request.

  11. I really support the Paypal checkout option! Also have voted that on the new suggest program of adsense!
    .-= Swashata´s last blog ..Auto Schedule [BSNL] Broadband/DialUp connection using Z-Cron Scheduler =-.

  12. Actually Adsense has put many restrictions on Indian and other users as specified by Typhoon. Adsense puts a six month limit for the site in order to sign up for Adsense. Also Indians get banned easily from Adsense without a much verification.
    .-= Saksham Talwar´s last blog ..Smashing Saturday –> 12th December 2009. =-.

  13. @Typhoon Racism ?? Thats a new one. I don’t know about you but i haven’t read or heard about Google being racist ? Can you explain more ? I can add that point to the post.

  14. One more to be included!

    STOP Racism
    Google Adsense have different set of rules for countries like India, Sri Lanka, Africa etc This makes Google look like they are treating Indians, Africans etc. different than US, Uk etc. citizens..

    Make the program equal for everyone. Let everyone get equal chance to enter into Google Adsense program and also don’t unnecessary ban specific countries account immediately if little fraud appears as this might be some dirty people doing it.
    .-= Typhoon´s last blog ..Time Management For Bloggers And Marketers =-.

  15. hmm.. these are really gr8.. especially #6. “Paypal Payout and lowering of payout amount” ..

    bt do u really want these changes to happen..??

    if so suggest to adsense….

    if they follow, u roocks..


    Rajat Jain


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