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Secure Programming Book For C And C++ – Knowledge In Your Mobile! [Android App]

Let me warn you, this article concerns only those who are or want to learn “secure” programming. If you don’t belong to either of the 2 category then please sway away and read other interesting articles 🙂

Coming from O’Reilly publishing group, Secure Programming For C and C++ is an e-book available in the form of an Android application that allows you to learn secure programming while on the move. You don’t need to carry those bulky books anymore!

In-fact the only reason why I call it an e-book is because it is in digital medium. You can’t transfer it to your computer or any other device nor can you back it up. That’s the only negative aspect about this android application.

The digitized version of the book has been so well accompanied for the android device that it was a pleasure to study it directly from my Samsung Galaxy S II. The day/night mode feature makes sure that using “night” mode you can read the contents of book in night with minimum strain on your eyes and lesser battery consumption (background is in black) whereas in “day” mode the white background makes the text appealing even in broad daylight.

The finger flings are smooth as butter with easy on eyes page transition. Just plain awesome! In addition to this, the links if any are duly hyper-linked allowing you to open the links in browser of your choice by long press and same goes for images as well.

Regarding the content, the book focuses on how to perform secure programming rather than the basics of C/C++ which many buyers confuse it with (even I thought so!). In short, if you through with the basics and are looking to learn secure programming in C and C++ language then this is a good app to invest money. The concepts are explained with supporting examples, images are given wherever deemed necessary, words/phrases can be easily located using find function and the language is particularly easy to understand. No hoopla’s there.

Secure Programming For C and C++ – Android Market Link


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