HomeBusinessswabr - The Future of Internal Enterprise Collaboration

swabr – The Future of Internal Enterprise Collaboration

The SaaS/cloud services market for enterprise collaboration is already highly competitive and its complexity will continue increasing. Most providers want to integrate all conceivable features to their services, which leads to confusion among users. swabr pursues a different route with a clear focus on the fundamental need for simple and
intuitive communication. Real-time communication is the future of internal enterprise collaboration. Facebook and Twitter offer the possibility of real-time communication; however they do not provide functionality for companies.

Every 20 years, a new, wide-spread form of cooperation is adopted by the enterprise world. After Facebook and Twitter having established a new type of communication for consumers, swabr now offers the advantages of real-time communication for companies. swabr’s solution is a “Facebook for companies”. swabr lets you create a private microblogging network for all the people who work for you. They’ll be able to connect with each other and collaborate on work-related tasks, and also to share all kinds of files, links and images. As long as they’re uploading something that’s connected with the job they have to do, it’ll be shared with all of their contacts.

Registration to swabr is free, and your employees will be able to create an account just by submitting their verified company email addresses. How can I communicate simultaneously with several colleagues from different locations in real time, without having to send out a great number of email CC’s? And how can we keep working efficiently at the same time? swabr is the answer to these questions.

swabr is a symbiosis between a network like Facebook and short messages as used in Twitter. Nevertheless, on swabr each company has its own, closed and private network for employees with a verified email address. Distractions by games or apps like on Facebook are non-existent, besides swabr is subject to German data protection regulations. The central element of swabr are short messages, the so called status updates. Users answer the question “What are you working on?” with short, internal notifications. This way, employees, colleagues and supervisors can keep each other up to date with a minimal effort.

swabr is offering users the ability to quickly and easily connect with colleagues and partners; a private platform for businesses to communicate their ideas without the hassle of email. The substantial problem facing firms today is the sheer volume of emails that each person receives on a daily basis. The trouble with companies is that you open your email and have 50 messages – you don’t even want to see half of them. Sending emails to large groups of people can also be problematic. When someone forgets to ‘reply all’ the communication is broken. But swabr allows someone to join the platform whenever they want and they can see all the previous conversations in chronological order.

Furthermore, swabr builds a knowledge base within specific organizations. Its users can update their colleagues on what they are working on and get help from people in different departments who they would perhaps not usually think to ask. They can also avoid repeating work done by others. Companies use emails and intranet but they don’t use something like Facebook and consequently miss out on the social interaction side.

The micro-blogging service is free, simple and intuitive to use. swabr is internal real-time communication and helps companies and organizations to work together faster and more effectively. The Berlin based company launched it’s public version in 2011 and is currently counting more than 2,500 companies from 85 countries worldwide.


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