HomeBusiness2016 Aviation ICT Forum With Smarter At Every Step theme To Be...

2016 Aviation ICT Forum With Smarter At Every Step theme To Be Held in Goa in December

The fourth India Aviation ICT Forum 2016 will be held in Goa on 16-17 December, 2016 at the Grand Hyatt. This forum is hosted by SITA and supported by AAI, Air India, ACI, APAO, CAPA, IATA, KPMG and all leading industry stakeholders in India. The theme of this year’s ICT Forum is ‘Smarter at every step’ where industry delegates will explore how the aviation industry can become more smarter with the adoption of the new technologies.


India is the fastest-growing passenger market in the world and expected to surge from being the ninth largest civil aviation market sized at US$16 billion today, to become the largest as Airlines, airports and other stakeholders are transforming rapidly, enabled by new technology trends that promise a smarter experience at every step. The aviation industry must focus on those mega-trends and technologies that will deliver better insights into passengers and operations, improve ‘life on the go’ and enable better passenger relationships and operational efficiencies, states the press release of SITA.

SITA, the communications and IT solution provider, is transforming Indian aviation through the provision of modern, standardized IT and communication infrastructure across the country.

The agenda of this year’s Forum will cover the latest aviation industry trends and conversations with prominent industry leaders on the areas of self service, smart passenger systems, baggage management, mobility, business intelligence, Internet of Things, cybersecurity, smart identity, border management, smart aircraft and other innovations that are transforming the industry, adds the statement of SITA.

On this occasion, SITA will also be launching an 360 degree India IT Trends report catering to the aviation sector focusing on trends around passengers, baggage handling, airports and airlines in India.

The forum will also include an exhibition area which will showcase the latest in aviation technology and live demos where delegates will be able to experience first-hand the most advanced solutions. Almost all CEO’s from the Indian aviation industry are expeccted to attend this year’s ICT forum.


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