HomeBusinessShort Forms Used Frequently On Social Media

Short Forms Used Frequently On Social Media

Social media has become a vital part in everyone’s life these days. No one has got time to concentrate on any one site in particular be it Orkut, Facebook, Hi5 or Twitter. To save time users generally use short keywords instead of boring usual long sentences ! ! And sometimes, it becomes difficult to understand them !


In this post i am sharing some of the commonly used short words, which will certainly save you time in understanding them easily and quickly. And Dont forget to bookmark this page for future referance !!

AFAIK — As Far As I Know

ASAP — As Soon As Possible

BCNU — Be Seeing You

BRB — Be Right Back

BTDT — Been there done that

BTW — By The Way

CID — Consider It Done

COZ — Because

DYLM — Do You Like me

EZ — Easy

FOTFLOL — Falling On The Floor, Laughing Out Loud

F2T — Free to Talk

GAL — Get A Life

GTG — Got To Go

GR8 — Great

HAND — Have A Nice Day

HOT4U — Hot For You

H8 — Hate

IMHO — In My Humble Opinion

IMNSHO — In My Not So Humble Opinion

IM2GUD4U — I’m Too Good For You

K — Okay

LOL — Laughing Out Loud OR Loads Of Love

L8 — Late

L8ER — Later

M8 — Mate

MMFU — My Mate Fancies You

MTFBWU — May The Force Be With You

NE — Any

NETHNG — Anything


NE1 — Anyone

NO1 — No One

NP — No Problem

OIC — Oh, I See

OMG — Oh, My God

PAW — Parents Are Watching

PLS — Please

PPL — People

RUOK — Are You Okay

SOZ — Sorry

STFU — Shut The Fuck Up

SUM1 — Someone

THANQ — Thank You

THX — Thanks

TTYL — Talk To You Later

TYVM — Thank You Very Much

URAQT — You Are A Cutie

URA* — You Are A Star

WAN2 — Want To

WIV — Write Back Soon

W/O — Without

W/E — Whatever

WKND — Weekend

WUD ? — What You Doing

WYGOWM — Will You Go Out With Me

XLNT — Excellent

YYSSW — Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever

1CE — Once

2DAY — Today

2MOR — Tomorrow

2NITE — Tonight

26Y4U — Too Sexy For You

ROTFL — Rolling On The Floor Laughing

Besides the above mentioned Shortwords, if have other suggestions, dont hesitate and leave a comment here and i will add them to this list !!

P.S — You can also use these terms to maximise the use of 160 characters (sms limit).


  1. well, i understand that your website has a lot of things which are not related to only technology..and what you are saying are “personal interactions” which i dont really find “Social Media” types..maybe you could have excluded some acrnyms that are usually pretty darn simple to understand..overall, now i can give it like 6.5 / 10..has you removed some pretty evident ones, i wud have given it 7/10..still i wud say this post is not required at all..or should i say the other way..”it has a VERY SPECIFIC narrowed down target, the folks who are very new to internet itself and usually ppl from small towns have difficulty in making out what these short forms really mean. The post isn’t meant for “blogosphere”..its just a casual post made out of fun and for friends..i just can’t understand why is it needed at places like “Social Media”..

    anyways, its your wish and your site..we can go on & on with discussions..and that wont end..

  2. 1. TechVorm is not purely a technology blog. And i have made sections for different types of topics i write about (See Tabs).
    2. People do use short forms on networking platforms like orkut, facebook, twitter, hi5, etc and majority of ppl use these portals for personal interactions.
    3. Yesi got your point about self promotion thing and will work to improve it 🙂

  3. LOVE THE WAY you take it so sportingly..!! well, if u wanna blog about your general interests, then i suggest you have a different informal section for it, keeping technology as a major. and plus, i dont think ppl use such acrnoyms on Social Media. they must be using on a personal communication on Twitter, etc., but I perceive Social Media means largelky blog contents, which are meant to be formal and professional and they DO NOT involve these short forms..

    as far as ads are concerned, i do understand that ads are the only way you get your earnings. so I am fine with the place you display adSense ads..but my concern is self-promotion. do something to CENTRALIZE IT at one place on your site posts..a user redirected thru twitter sees a msg to tweet (not ‘twit’) the post or RSS subscription and at the same time he sees a tweetmeme retweet icon for that..isn’t this redundancy..!! as said, do something to centralize sharing at some place on the post, apart from the “sharing stick”..

    as for the logo, then buddy even I am pursuing my B.E. and am not professional designer at all. but one thing i know that I know there can be much better designs than your current logo, one thing u can do is that take some inspiration from professional logos. TechVorm’s current logo doesnt look professional at all..to me at least..

  4. First of all thanks for taking time to scrutinize my blog.
    1. I wrote this post because i have observed that all those new to social media aren’t aware of the acronyms. And besides that ‘technology’ is a very wide term, i write about what interests me (Although that does affect RSS subscription).
    2. I can understand the ad part being irritating and will work towards decreasing that. This being said, you should also know that these ads are the only source of income for covering the hosting expenses of this blog. I am still an under graduate and cant really afford to shell money on my hobby (Blogging). As far as self promotion is concerned, thanks for the feedback i will definitely try to make alterations.
    3. Again, i am pursing B.Com. So, its little hard for me to get some one to design a free logo. Also, the money is another hindrance. BTW, if you can design a logo, for free, be my guest 🙂

    As far as this comment is concerned, i am not going to delete it. Criticism should be taken in a positive manner and i am doing the same. I expected this comment from one of my blogger friends and you are the first one. Besides, no one is perfect, they get perfect because of such criticism. And i thank you for that.

  5. I noticed once @paritoshbh and @vaibhavkanwal talking on twitter of getting the traffic towards their blog. Well, Paritosh, I wanna tell u one thing here. There are 3 things that i think that hinder your goal of attracting traffic..

    1) baby-like-content posts these..I mean c’mon..!! get a life..!! this is a tech blog and not a blog about textese..ppl dont come here to look for some good news on technology and not these silly acronyms..Please dont take me wrong..I have this habit of saying these things in a harsh way…I mean the words..not the harsh language..

    2) whenever i click your blog link, i first see things like ads and self promotion..where as ppl click the link to see the content and not these ads..there is more self-promotion of subscribing the blog and tweeting the post at the start of your post even without reading it? delete that part asking users redirected from Twitter to Tweet these posts(yes! its not twit ..u already have retweet button and fb share icon as well..just add RSS subscription chicklet near “subscribe via email” box and ur done..

    3) plus your logo..its so informal..i suggest u get it designed by some professional designer..work towards giving ur site more professiona look and spend on it wherever necessary..!!

    (Note: i expect u to find this comment hard-hitting, but please take the message out of it..not the language..I DO mean those words..but for your good..I am ur well wisher so I am suggesting you)


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