Being a part of the Blogosphere i am aware of the problems that arise while purchasing domain names and hosting services because i faced the same problems in my time. Sometimes it becomes heavy on the pocket when you have to shed big bucks for a good hosting service or a domain name. So today i have come up with a service which provides free domain name (i.e .com) and free hosting.
Yes i m talking here about absolutely free domain name (e.g and free hosting. While surfing the net i came across a site Hyperwebenable which is providing both the services free but on its own conditions. Here i will be discussing about the pros and cons for the same :-
Good features :-
- Free website of your choice ( for life time.
- Unlimited webspace to host your website.
- Unlimited bandwidth.
- Scripts of your choice(Blog,CMS,Forum ..).
- Technical support by email for your website.
- Free renewal of your domain.
- No hidden charges
- Theres a lot more
This was all about the good things (well these are enough luring for those bloggers who want to build up a name of thier own free of cost).
Well now about the shady side:-
- The Domain name they provide you with is registered in their name not in your name so it means that you don’t own it.
- They put 2-4 ads on your site depending on the traffic. If you have more then 100 page views then they put 2 ads otherwise 4.
- In their terms of service they mention that you will be responsible for making backups of your data ,so does it mean that their servers are unreliable.
- You are not given the facility to upgrade your platform i.e switching to wordpress or any other. You are not allowed to carry your domain name and traffic to your new location.
All the information i have provided here is just a gist of what is provided in their “Terms of service” and “Privacy policy” agreement. It is advised that interested users may check out the agreements carefully before taking further actions.
P.S :- In my opinion this is a good platform for upcoming bloggers to get their own site without spending any bucks and without the tension of hosting. But it also has the problem that you will need to stick to the same service if you want to continue with the same domain name and traffic.
Sure and do let us know whether it worked for you or not.
Gonna Have A Try…
really this one is among the best free services…
.-= mayank´s last blog ..Speed Up Your Windows XP By Disabling File Indexing =-.
@Uttoran Sen You are right but everyone cannot afford to rent a hosting and got a domain name. This is basically for those who are blogging on trail basis.
i guess there is just no point in working on something that you do not own, what if they sell your site to someone and close their business someday?
its lot better to spend a few bucks, rightly suggested in the P.S. by you and buy out a hosting and a domain under your ownership,
.-= Uttoran Sen´s last blog ..How to Fix Windows XP =-.
Hi Vikas,
Glad to hear that the misunderstandings are clear now
About the email having from address as your own, it’s still a mystery for us too, as in our testing phase, we did not face this kind of issue but we will still get it tested.
Hope to see you part of expertrio clients one day
Good luck with the new hosting.
I checked my mail again. I see it is some kind of automated thing or something. I have replied to you but the reply has gone to my own mail address [it’s both to and from ‘my mail address only’ ; I don’t know how you explain that; you people must be knowing it ].
I wanted to do some experimentation etc. to learn self-hosting and 500 Rupees was quite affordable. So I had registered. But I am not going to pay and complete the order now in all probability.
There is no confusion or misunderstanding now. I have tested many web hosts during my research and you have scored on many points. I will still recommend you to friends and may even someday come to you in future. I have hosting from a small but extremely reliable [almost 100 per cent uptime] Irish host and will soon self-host with them.
You are also an option for me and this is the only instance where I spoke against you. Hope BCM6 will be valid for a long time!
.-= Vikas Gupta´s last blog ..Prof. Matuk Nath Chaudhary and Julie in JNU campus: A multimedia report =-.
Hi Vikas,
No we have not received any replies after that, the status is still “Waiting for customer reply”
About the amount Rs. 1,000 – Oh yes, it was by mistake from my side, I see your invoice has Rs. 500 as discount. So the total payable becomes Rs. 500
I hope it clears the misunderstanding
Right. You wrote 1000 Rupees as charges in it and I had replied that it should be 50 per cent less as I had successfully validated a 50 per cent discount with code BCM6.
.-= Vikas Gupta´s last blog ..Prof. Matuk Nath Chaudhary and Julie in JNU campus: A multimedia report =-.
After that I see there is ticket number: 1232 which was opened at 27/10/2009 12:56:18 am and was replied too. Infact, I had only replied to it with our bank account details etc..
Ticket No. 1229 refers to our communication about your service ,my queries on your uptime etc. I had no problems with that and in fact I had proceeded to register with you only after that initial satisfaction!
Deep Gantara, please see Support Ticket #1232
You asked me 1000 Rupees [mailed is signed by you] and I replied asking why it is 1000 despite the 50 per cent discount!
.-= Vikas Gupta´s last blog ..Prof. Matuk Nath Chaudhary and Julie in JNU campus: A multimedia report =-.
Hi Vikas,
I see your ticket in our customer panel with the ID 1229 and I also see the replies being made to it…
Here is the history of the replies:
Ticket opened at: 25/10/2009 08:39:20 pm
We Replied at: 25/10/2009 10:08:32 pm
We received your reply at: 25/10/2009 11:49:18 pm
Another reply: 25/10/2009 11:51:46 pm
Our Reply: 26/10/2009 10:25:49 pm
One more reply: 26/10/2009 10:29:17 pm
The status of the ticket stands at “Waiting for customer’s reply” in our panel.
I think you might have received our replies in junk folder or something.
It is absolutely incorrect that we give less importance to discounted clients or ignore them, we cannot do that and we will never do that, it is totally against our ethics
I hope it clarifies the misunderstanding.
Thanks & Regards,
Deep Ganatra
for Expertrio
They have not replied to me and it has been about 40 hours. I am not paying 1000; I had got a discount of 50 per cent and they are not respecting it or communicating anything about it.
I found another nice Indian hosts: [ewebguru is not recommended].
.-= Vikas Gupta´s last blog ..Prof. Matuk Nath Chaudhary and Julie in JNU campus: A multimedia report =-.
@Vikas We are currently working on to make this theme support nested replies.
Regarding Expertrio, well if you have transferred the money then you can send them the receipt number or transaction details. And talking about the support, they usually reply within 20-30 min. I am not sure but i think that they operate acc. to IST (so any support request submitted after 9 p.m will get reply in morning.) BTW i am planning to write a review about Expertrio soon.
ok. Why not enable nested reply option?
I registered a free account with them 1000 Rs. successfully [for testing them to park a domain] activated promo code BCM6 for 50 per cent discount. Still they email me that 1000 Rupees is pending. I wrote them in the morning only about the promo code and it has been almost 12 hours and no reply!
Otherwise the experience has been okay. Also their TOS is not on main site! I gave them a few suggestions on twitter.
.-= Vikas Gupta´s last blog ..Prof. Matuk Nath Chaudhary and Julie in JNU campus: A multimedia report =-.
@Vikas Hi ! Its been only a month or so with expertrio and except for 30 min downtime, things have been going on pretty well. I am planning to write a post on expertrio soon. So keep checking the blog.
Off topic:
Will you recommend Expertrio for wordpress web hosting? HOw has been your experience [uptime etc.]. Thanks.
.-= Vikas Gupta´s last blog ..Urdu Hai Jiska Naam: Get a free DVD set on the story of the Urdu Language =-.
@Tech-Freak Rahul (Post Author) told me that he saw a similar post. Anyways, am glad that you liked the post !
I had written a similar review of Hyperwebenable some time back. But, even you have done a great job here.