HomeBusinessThree Biggest Mistakes Made By Microsoft,BlackBerry & Nokia

Three Biggest Mistakes Made By Microsoft,BlackBerry & Nokia

Of late the three technolgy companies of the world are in the news for the wrong reasons. These companie – Microsoft,Nokia and BalckBerry have to blame themselves for the wrong decisions taken by them, for which they will be repenting now. Except Microsoft, the other two companies are in deep trouble with their finances and rumors about their sell-offs keep surfacing from time to time. These two companies have done irrepairable damage to their businesses for not adopting the prevalent technologies.


In the case of Microsoft, their decision to go the hardware way with not very popular Windows mobile software was fraught with danger. This is the reason that Microsoft is not able to sell its Surface tablet against tough competition of Android tablets and Apple’s iPad. Android tablets by leading vendors like Samsung and of late Google Nexus tablets have captured the maximum market share and in higher segment Apple’s iPad is still the dominant player. One should also not forget Amazon’s Kindle Fire, which is very popular in US.

Moreover, almsot all the vendors which use Microsoft’s OS for their laptops and PC’s were not comfortable with Microsoft’s decision to take plunge in tablet market as they felt they will have to compete with each other and hence majoirity of them shied away from bringing out tablets running on Windows OS platform.

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Another once stalwart of mobile business – Nokia has realised very late that despite their good smartphones, Microsoft has not cooperated with them in the rightful manner by developing more apps for its Lumia range. Their is no fun to yell at Microsoft at this stage as the damage has already done. Had they gone by old saying of never putting all eggs in one basket, the story of Nokia would have been different.

Instead of putting untested and new Windows 8 mobile OS in all Lumia smartphones, Nokia could have tested the waters first in few models and the rest should have been on widely accepted Android OS. But that was not to be and the company is on the verge of collapse.

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Same is the story of BlackBerry. Their hardware is still one of the best, but their new BB 10 OS is not popular at all. Had they gone the Android way, their story too would have been different from what is today.

The moral of these happenings is that great men and companies commit mistakes which have great ramifications. The great decisions bring great fortunes and big mistakes bring big misfortunes.


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