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Advertise Your Blog/Site For Free !

UPDATE: This offer has been currently put on hold. Stay tuned for more updates.

Recently TechVorm achieved 400 comments mark. And as a measure to further increase the participation of reader’s, we have now decided to give incentive to our reader’s in form of FREE advertising.

There are 2 aspects to this special incentive :

  1. Become top commentor for a particular month (i.e maximum number of comments on TechVorm) and you will have an option to advertise on TechVorm for FREE for a period of 30 days !  OR
  2. Write a minimum of 5 guest articles on Techvorm in a particular month and you will become eligibile to advertise for FREE on TechVorm for a period of 30 days (No Competition).

Write For Us

This being said, the good thing about this incentive is, you can advertise on TechVorm again and again i.e be top commentor month after month !

How To Apply

    • If you are interested in getting FREE adspot via commenting then go on and explore the blog.
    • And if you want to advertise on TechVorm without having the hassle of commenting then see that you satisfy the conditions (for guest posting) mentionedHEREand fill out the form below.

Instead of filling out the form above you can also contact me via email – [email protected] – or at twitter – @Paritoshbh – for a quicker response !!!!
Terms And Conditions
  1. Winner’s will be contacted via email or twitter (whatsoever details he/she will provide).
  2. Winner’s will have an option to chose between 125by125 adspot in sidebar (sitewide) or 300×250 adspot just below post title on a post page (only) or 480×60 header banner (sitewide).
  3. One adspot will be given to top commentor and one adspot will be reserved for those who writes most number of articles for TechVorm.
  4. Whosoever (amongst the winners) claims the post page or the header banner first via comments sections will have the right to advertise on that spot first.
So, what are you waiting for. Go ahead explore and comment! Looking forward to your participation.



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