HomeBusinessASUS Invites Participants To Join Their ZenUI Designer Community

ASUS Invites Participants To Join Their ZenUI Designer Community

ZenUI Designer Community 2

ASUS, the leading vendors of smartphones and tablets is inviting participants to join their ZenUI Designer Community. Under this initiative, participants can choose to design from multiple content options – Theme Pack, Keyboard Theme, Sticker Set, etc. They can then submit their creations on ZenUI Designer Community website for a chance to be featured on ZenUI digital content stores, and be used by 20 million ASUS mobile device users from around the globe.

The participants have to follow the simple procedures to submit their designs as detailed below:

Step 1: Visit the website – https://designer.zenui.com/. Sign up and log in as an ASUS member, and then activate your designer service.

Step 2: After activation, click your name at top-right corner of homepage to go to “My Page”.

Step 3: Choose one of the content types, fill in the work information and upload a preview image along with the design work files (you will have access to Photoshop templates and documents to learn how to create new ZenUI content).

Step 4: Click the “My Creations” tab to check the status of your uploaded design works.

ZenUI Designer Community 1


According to Asus, the uploaded designs will then enter the official review process and participants will be informed when their designs are published on ZenUI digital content stores. Under each content type, participants will also have the option of submitting designs that are either paid or for free download. While the price of the paid content will be decided by ASUS, the revenue generated will be shared with the respective designer.

ASUS ZenUI is known for its aesthetic appeal and a seamless interface. Some of the best features/apps of ZenUI include PixelMaster technology, MiniMovie,  PhotoCollage, ZenCircle and free ZenUI Themes to personalize your mobile device.

Peter Chang- Regional Head, South Asia and Country Manager for ASUS India said, “At ASUS, we are constantly looking at ways to connect with our users. This initiative will give our patrons a unique chance to become an integral part of our family by designing the user experience. It is a step towards enhancing the user experience and an extension of our promise of making luxury more affordable.”


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