BioShock 2, previously known with the subtitle Sea of Dreams, is an upcoming first-person shooter video game, developed by 2K Marin as the sequel to the critically acclaimed BioShock. It is scheduled for release on February 9, 2010. It will be available forPlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows platforms. Step back into the unforgettable world of Rapture in BioShock 2, It provides players with the perfect blend of explosive first person shooter combat, compelling storytelling and intense multiplayer.
The game takes place ten years after the first game, and Rapture is even worse off than it was before. After the events of the first game, there are too few Little Sisters left to satisfy the Splicers ADAM addiction, causing them to become even more insane and hostile than before. Andrew Ryan, the creator of Rapture, having been deceased for years, left no one to maintain the city, and no one for the Splicers to listen to. In the state that it is in, Rapture is destined to fall.
Bioshock 2 is one of the most anticipated games for the year 2010 as the first installment of the game was a huge hit. So all you gaming freaks keep your fingers crossed and wait for february 2010.