HomePhonesDifferentiate Fake Memory Card From Real Ones

Differentiate Fake Memory Card From Real Ones

With the increase in use of memory cards more and more cases of fake memory cards are being observed. When the concept of memory cards was relatively new, it was easier to detect fake one’s as they were poorly manufactured. However these days when the technology to manufacture the memory cards has become cheap, the fake memory cards as being manufactured in large quantities and are being sold to the consumers without their knowledge.

In this post, i am going to share some basic area’s to look for through which you can differentiate between the original memory cards and the fake one’s.

In the above mentioned figures you can easily detect the fake ones because of the missing inscription on the chips.

Fake memory cards have poorly written text content and lack the luster as possessed by the original memory cards.

Fake memory cards have poorly aligned company logo as shown in the above figure.

I hope this posts turns out to be helpful in detecting fake memory chips. If you have any other points to share besides the above mentioned points (figures), then do share with us via comment section.


  1. Paritosh! You scared the shit out of me. How are we suposed to find out the real ones from the naked eye? In case of pendrives, I check the S/N through the manufacturers website. I hope it works here too. Not sure.
    .-= Vaibhav | Programming Kid´s last blog ..When I LOST a BlackBerry =-.


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