HomeBusinessFacebook 4th April Event Sparks Speculations

Facebook 4th April Event Sparks Speculations

The social networking giant Facebook has fueled fresh talk after sending out media invites for its scheduled event on April 4, 2013. The invite, which reads “Come See Our New Home on Android”, does not let out much apart from the fact that the announcement will be pertaining to an Android-related product. The event will take place on Thursday, April 4, 2013 at Facebook’s Menlo Park, California headquarters.

Shortly after the Facebook invitation went out, the technology news site TechCrunch reported the announcement would be a modified version of the Google Android operating system with “deep native Facebook functionality.” Another report on “9 to 5 Google” said Facebook designing the software for the new smartphone, which would be made by Taiwan’s HTC.

HTC Facebook Phone

There have been rumors floating for long about Facebook’s plan to come out with a smartphone and probably, the time has come that Facebook smartphone will help the social network better monetize its mobile platform by featuring Facebook prominently on the phone.

According to Facebook-backed study, released by research firm IDC, shows that smartphones have become people’s close friends in the US. US smartphone owners tend to be connected from the instant they rise until they fall sleep and revel in every minute of it, according to the study.  A week long IDC survey of more than 7,000 people ranging in age from 18 to 44 years old with iPhones or Android-powered smartphones showed that four out of five check their handsets within 15 minutes of waking. The top three applications used were for messaging; Web browsing, and Facebook, in that order, according to IDC.

At a TechCrunch Disrupt conference in San Francisco in September, Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg  said the social network giant is focused on mobile devices. “It is really clear from the stats and my own personal intuition that a lot of energy in the ecosystem is going to mobile, not desktop (computers),” Zuckerberg said during an on-stage interview. Zuckerberg rejected suggestions that Facebook would make its own smartphone, adamant that the company had no intention of stepping into the fiercely competitive handset hardware arena.

The upcoming event of Facebook is generating lot of expectations and speculations and let us wait till 4th April to see what will be unleashed by the team of Mark Zuckerberg!


  1. You know as much as I’d hate to say it but this one sucks!
    And then there’s this software app they’re releasing in a few days, the
    Facebook Home which was thought of as the Facebook phone. There’s more to life
    than FB.

    Hayden Reuter


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