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Google To Bring Alive The Tale Of India’s Freedom Struggle On Independence Day

On the occasion of 69th Independence day of India, Google will bring alive India’s historic moments and the nation’s road to independence saga with a virtual tour. The tour will take the users through some of the iconic landmarks that witnessed India’s Independence movement on Google Maps along with the Cultural Institute.


Tracing the Indian freedom struggle, Indians can now follow the footsteps of India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, from his oath at Parliament and speech on the country’s ‘Tryst with Destiny’, to the Red Fort, and witness the place where he unfurled the Tricolor on 15 August 1947; and where each year, subsequent Prime Ministers have followed the tradition of unfurling the national flag and delivering an address to the nation.

Indian could also visit the majestic Aga Khan Palace built in 1892, which served as a prison for Mahatma Gandhi and his wife Kasturba Gandhi from 1942. Or the historical Sabarmati Ashram, his residence for over 12 years and from where he led the Dandi march — also known as the Salt Satyagraha — of non-violent protest in March 1930.

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A tour of the dreaded Cellular Jail in Port Blair or Jallianwala Bagh, the site of a tragic massacre of peaceful civilian protesters in 1919 will give a sneak into the hardships experienced by the freedom fighters during their struggle for India’s Independence.


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