HomeBusiness#HappyBdayPM On Your 65th Birthday; Tweets Are Pouring In From All Walks...

#HappyBdayPM On Your 65th Birthday; Tweets Are Pouring In From All Walks Of Life

Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi is celebrating his 65th Birthday today. Everybody knows that he is very active on social networking platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. And the best way to wish our honourable Prime Minsiter good health and energy to serve the nation is these two platforms.

Twitter users from all walks of life have taken to the platform to send over 110,000 Happy Birthday wishes (by 12pm IST) to the Prime Minsiter with #HappyBdayPM becoming the top Twitter trend today and peaking at 320 Tweets per minute.

Special birthday balloon animations on Mr. Modi’s Twitter profile (@narendramodi) add to the celebrations for the 2nd most followed political leader in the world on Twitter. You can follow PM Modi on Twitter at https://twitter.com/narendramodi to join his nearly 15 million followers.

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See some top Happy Birthday Tweets for the PM:

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Embeddable Tweet: https://twitter.com/ArvindKejriwal/status/644370787940470784

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Embeddable Tweet: https://twitter.com/arunjaitley/status/644328085815365632

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Embeddable Tweet: https://twitter.com/NSaina/status/644155708276011011

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Embeddable Tweet: https://twitter.com/abdullah_omar/status/644344013022060544

And Finally, some light-hearted tweet :


Embeddable Tweet: https://twitter.com/Twisted_Damsel/status/644230101626847232


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