HomeBusinessHow to Put Twitter on Autopilot and Schedule Your Tweets

How to Put Twitter on Autopilot and Schedule Your Tweets

Have no time to send a quick text message , email or IM to keep your contacts informed with Twitter?

Twitter requires no big brains, but sometimes due to heavy work load or lack of time, we forget to update it. Keeping these problems in mind ,a new service initiated by  TWEETLATER.COM enables its users to use the social networking site the automated way.


By automated we mean you get to schedule your future tweets ,set up welcome messages for the new followers ,url shortening services ,etc. This way you Tweeple get to use Twitter in the most hassle free manner.

Here is a complete list of the free services provided by the site :

      1. Schedule tweets — Plan, set & forget !

2. Track keywords on Twitter — Empower yourself !

3. Save and reuse drafts — Save hours of typing !

4. Send welcome DMs to new followers — Automate !

5. Bit.ly URL shortening — Track those clicks !

6. Follow those who follow you — Automate !

7. Unfollow those who unfollow you — Automate !

8. Vet new followers — Semi-automation !

9. Purge your DM Inbox — Keep it tidy !

10. Personal status feed — Your own tweet engine !

11. Unlimited Twitter accounts — No charge !

Here is a complete tutorial on how to set up your account on the site and further details to manage your twitter account alongwith scheduling your tweets.


  1. I have been using this application for long time specially for schedule Tweets and sending a Dm to my followers. More over it also helps me to unfollow any followers who unfollowed me.
    Highly recommended.


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