HomeComputingLaptops Or Desktops: What Is The Best Option?

Laptops Or Desktops: What Is The Best Option?

Talking about technology, be it laptop or desktop, both the devices have their own advantages over the other, due to the characteristics they display. The sale of laptops has increased as compared to those of desktops but that doesn’t mean you should not consider buying a desktop. Laptops are modern and capable machines, but that should not be a reason for it being your natural choice over the desktop.

There are some who are more comfortable with desktops. But, while buying a desktop, whether you get it fully equipped or customize it on your own, you need to consider its benefits and flaws. Here are some pros and cons of having desktop computers viz-a-viz laptops. If you are confused between the two devices, reading through the following might get you your answer.


Portable Vs Bulky

Portability is obviously a pro; this is the most convenient benefit offered by the laptop that you can take it anywhere out with you. If you feel the need to take the laptop outside with you, then it’s the best option.

One biggest disadvantage of the desktops is their size; they occupy huge space and need loads of connections. However, laptops don’t need space to set up, they are easy to carry and can be used anywhere. Now, the convertible laptops are spreading their magic and the advanced technology used in laptops is beyond the reach of desktops.

Desktops use plenty of energy and run hardly around 30 minutes using UPS but in case of laptops, once charged fully can last for more than 2 hours.


Fixed peripherals Vs Assembled Hardware Option

Fixed peripherals could be a disadvantage, when you choose a laptop over a desktop you will be stuck with a specific display screen, keyboard and track pad. That’s all you get. But, then you can also customize it by plugging in an external mouse, keyboard, monitor and speakers and other parts. But then is it any different from a desktop now?

You can comfortably assemble the parts of the devices in desktops while in case of laptops it’s difficult and requires spending hefty amount. The parts are available in local shops and can be fixed at home as well because the process is not that complex.

Powerful Hardware

The hardware of desktop computers is powerful as compared to laptops and supports multi-tasking; be it gaming or working, it performs brilliantly in both the cases. You will hardly face any problem of crashing down of the system so that you can work for

longer time. This is a benefit only at the workplace, not at home or for casual use. In the latter case, you can get everything on a laptop and shouldn’t need desktop for only this reason.

Laptop processors are small and are positioned in compact framework and require cooling due to overheating. Desktop processors are very good and support endlessly. Their temperatures can be lowered down with the cooling system and fans. The desktop processors are not only powerful but also can be overclocked easily so that they can be run at even more speeds.

Graphics for Gamers

If you are a gamer, don’t even think about getting separate graphics in a laptop as it will be expensive proposition. If you are not a game freak then you might not feel the need of accelerating the graphics of your system. The graphics can be made better using graphic cards but the graphic cards tend to be expensive.

Upgrade Options

The upgrade options are limited in laptops. On most of the devices, you can upgrade your hard drive and RAM and that’s it about upgrading. In case of desktops, users don’t upgrade their systems for a lifetime, so this is not a big deal.

Maintenance Cost

If laptops get damaged, they will empty your pockets. The maintenance costs required by these machines are much higher, comparatively. The parts of desktops can be obtained easily and fixed at less prices; the repairing cost is very less. If the desktop computer craps on, you can fix it in hardly few bucks, be it keyboard, monitor or even processor. But if laptops crash, well in that case, I wish you good luck.

One Disadvantage of Portability

Since it is portable and often packed in a bag, it can get stolen easily. Desktops are supposed to be kept in one place but laptops can be carried anywhere, but looking at their size they can be lost or stolen while travelling and in crowded places. The risk of theft increases with laptops, so extra care should be taken while carrying it.

Boring vs. Attractive

In case of ready desktops, they are actually incredibly boring. And you won’t find any reviews of the desktops except the all-in-one equipped PC’s. Laptops could be affordable options over desktops; they are amazing products available now at cheaper prices.

Software Requirement

When we talk about ready-made, it doesn’t mean HP or Dell workstation, it means a basic desktop with all the accessories. They

are available in a variety of options but if you want to invest in something good then laptops are the worth devices that value your money.

Desktop computers need software’s for each and every program to run while laptops need apps and these apps are mostly available for free of cost.

Convenience in Buying

Buying a laptop is very easy and convenient, you can take help of the reviews and select amongst a variety of choices as per your need. You don’t need any connections for laptop, just a charger is needed to charge it and that’s all. You can compare any device with other ones and buy the best one.

Bottom Line:

Both the devices; laptop and desktops are equally good, so if the question arises about which one is better. The answer is it depends. The use of laptop or desktop depends on the requirement and the personal choice of the user.


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