HomePhonesOppo Overtakes Apple In Terms of Sales Value in India : GKF...

Oppo Overtakes Apple In Terms of Sales Value in India : GKF Report

oppo-logoChinese handsets maker Oppo has been getting very good traction in India and this credit goes to its camera centric F series of smartphones. Oppo has for the first time overtaken Apple to reserve a spot for itself in the Top 2 smartphones in India in terms of value in August 2016 as per GFK data. Oppo has 8% market share in India compared to 6.3% of Apple. Samsung commands share of 46.9% market share and Oppo is now second to Samsung only in India. As per Oppo, they have also clocked in a growth of 16% in comparison to the previous month.

Speaking about Oppo’s success and strategies, Mr. Sky Li, OPPO Global VP, MD of International Mobile Business and President of OPPO India, said, “India is a priority market for us. We have caught the trend that users, especially young generations like taking photos and selfies by phones. That’s why we have invested a lot in offering the consumers high quality camera phones with a strong focus on front camera. Going forward we will continue investing in photography technology, design and offering the best consumer experience.”


Oppo’s success in the Indian market can be attributed to large extent to its recently launched Selfie Expert OPPO F1s in the month of August. The USP of this phone is its vey powerful 16MP front camera and Beautify function, fingerprint scanner and long lasting battery which have been appreciated by the consumers.

The other reasons of Oppo’s fast growth is its aggressive expansion of offline channels despite the popularity of online channels in major cities. But majority of the buyes especially in tier 2 and 3 cities still prefer to buy via retail stores and Oppo has captured this very well. In the Indian market, Oppo has been expanding its offline presence by targeting 35,000 Point of Sales and 180 after sales service centres for giving its consumers a better experience.

Besides above, Oppo has also associated with populart Bollywood, Cricket personalities for getting higher recognition in the Indian market which has paid rich dividends to the brand.

To kick start the festival season, Oppo will be announcing something special on 6th October which they claim will be perfect Diwali Gift for the consumers. Stay tuned for more information on this on 6th October!


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