HomeBusinessTwitter #FollowSunday Recommendations

Twitter #FollowSunday Recommendations

TwitterUsually tweeters recommend their followers on friday’s and that too by tweeting their username’s. I too was planning to do the same and recommend some interesting tweeters to others however, since i dont have much of followers ( 160 only ) and that the people i am going to recommend deserves a better audience, therefore i decided to use my blog for the same ! Also, i just love writing and 140 characters isnt enough for me !

I hope the names of whom i am going to mention below have no objection ! And if anyone has please leave a comment and i will readily remove your username.

So here is my first #FollowSunday Recommendations :

1. @Rahulgarg1989 – He was the first person whom i followed and is also a author of this blog. A college friend whom i met in 1st year and a great human !

2. @denharsh – The man behind successful technology blog Shoutmeloud. He was the reason why i moved to self hosted wordpress blog. A gentle, not driven by his success, person who is ever ready to help. A must follow for bloggers and geeks.

3. @teamnirvana – A software engineer and owner of tech blog. He is a great follow. Tweets about anything and everything he likes. Ready to help anytime and is funny too !

4. @Djharsh – Deceived by the name, i thought he was a DJ lol… 🙂 But i was completely wrong. He is an engineering student and a blogger who loves to tweet geeky stuff ( As far as i know ). Never hesitates to give useful advice. A must follow for all the geeks.

5. @peskyme – An interesting girl. Loves chocolates ( who doesnt? ) ! Currently she is appearing for exams. All the best ! And yeah her hindi is not that great so all those who are planning to follow her you gotta know english !

UPDATE : Her exams are over. She is now a free bird !

6. @aditisharma12 – She is a delhiite and a blogger. Her post ”Human Mind – Clouding our sky” was the prime reason why i am following her. There was something about that post that forced me into following her ! As far as i know she is working ( in some firm, never got a chance to ask her ) and loves listening to songs. As her bio says ‘ Want to know more about me ? Then Click on follow button. ‘ ( Hey Aditi, your previous avatar looked good ! dont know why you changed it. You now look a geek. Lol… )

7. @Che2on – An avid blogger and a good friend. He too is an engineering student with immense love for blogging. He is the owner of Chaaps.

Forgot to mention, you can follow me on twitter as well ! @ParitoshBh



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