HomeApps5 Out Of The Bound Android Applications That Everyone Must Install

5 Out Of The Bound Android Applications That Everyone Must Install

The android market is growing by leaps and bounds. It is all because of the way android platform is flourishing. With thousands of applications for android at its arsenal and hundreds of android apps beings submitted every day I guess its taking mobile software development to a whole new level.

Though the usage and need of applications varies from person to person but personally I believe the one’s listed below are the best free android apps that I have come across and to make the usage of applications clear I am also including a video for each app.

Barcode Scanner

It is easily one of the most excellent app for android I have used so far. I use it for scanning many types of contents like various coded url’s given in different forms of media. A very handy application to have.


If you are found of reading then this android app is for you. This app brings the fun of reading books into your android device. No need to carry bulky books any more!

Google Voice

Using this application you can make real cheap call internationally. Moreover it’s owned by Google hence the reliability factor is always present. Plus, Google Voice on Google’s mobile OS platform is meant to gel in well 🙂


It’s a truly an amazing application. It can rip the entire contents of the Wikipedia into any languages you fancy so that you can have offline references at all times. If you are in any presentation and need a quick reference trust me this application will be a lifesaver.


The biggest problem that many people face using open system like android is the danger of a virus attack. Lookout keeps these in check and runs scans on your device for installed apps and downloaded files. A secure device is what everyone wants!

This article has been written and submitted by guest author Abdul Khan. If you are also interested in writing for TechVorm then submit your article for consideration using Contact Us Form.


  1. As I mentioned above, each and every individual has a different set of “Must Have” applications. The author who wrote this goes by a different perception 🙂


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