HomePhonesApple's New iPhone Specualtions! What About India Launch?

Apple’s New iPhone Specualtions! What About India Launch?

As we are just few hours away from hearing new announcements when Apple will unveil its new iteration of iPhone or may be two iPhones, all eyes are now focussed on this largely awaited event on 12th Sept, 2012 in USA. This is the most significant occasion in the arena of technology after presidential election of USA, when the whole world covers it to see who will lead the dominationg democracy in the world. Similarly, technology buffs and analysts are keeping a close watch on Apple’s unveiling moment to ascertain how it will outshine others in global mobile war. This time Apple’s launch event is attracting more anxiety due to its recent win over its arch-rival Samsung in patent infringement law suit.

In such a scenario, how can rumour mills remain silent. They are in full swing and churning out new stories every day about probable features to date of actual shipment. We summarize below various speculations floating in the media and technology blogs.

One of the biggest changes expected on the new iPhone is that this will feature a display measuring 4 inches diagonally. If Apple does add a 4″ inch display to its next iPhone, this will be the first time it uses a display size larger than 3.5″ inches. This rumour has logical reasoning also because of latest launches of Samsung’s Galaxy range of devices with bigger display sizes. The resolution of the next iPhone is expected to be 1136 x 640, with the width remaining the same.

It is alo being widely rumourd that new iPhone will sport  a new technology called in-cell, which will help in making the handset a lot slimmer. This will help in avoiding the use of another touchscreen layer, as with in-cell technology, the touch sensors are integrated into the LCD itself.

It is also expected that new iPhone will have dock connector at the bottom and it will be a lot smaller in comparison. This change is necessitated to fit the handset with LTE capabilities as the new iPhone will be 4G LTE compliant.

There are many rumours about exact date of commercial launch of new generation of iPhone. Some bloggers and analysts are predicting that the pre-ordes would start on 12th Sep itself whereas some are of the opinion that it would be around 14th Sept, 2012 and shipping would start from 21st Sept, 2012. There would be difference of few days here and there but definitely, the new device would be in the hands of prospective buyers in this month only in USA.

But nodbody so far has speculated when the new device would land in India. Although India remain a neglected market for Apple yet list of Apple followers in this country is not small. Apple should not let down its customers base here and should bring its new iPhone at the earliest possible unlike on previous occasions. Hope this time they will give priority to this part of the world also!


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