HomeComputingAcer Windows RT Tablets Put On Hold

Acer Windows RT Tablets Put On Hold

Wait and Watch and then Proceed! That is the policy adopted by Taiwan based computer giant Acer which had planned to introduce their Windows RT tablets. The readers may recall that this company did not endorse Microsoft’s decision to jump into hardware business by launching Surface tablet, and competing with its partner’s devices. But now Acer has put on hold its launch of Windows RT tablets as they want to see the response of Surface tablet launched by Microsoft last week.

“Originally we had a very aggressive plan to come out very early next year but because of Surface, our R&D development doesn’t stop, but we are much more cautious,” Acer President Jim Wong told Reuters news agency on Tuesday. “Originally our plan was Q1, but now I don’t think it will be earlier than Q2,” Wong said on the sidelines of a presentation of Acer’s new line of Windows 8 touchscreen notebooks and tablets.

It appears that Acer has not been able to address the issue of prices of Windows 8 tablets. Moreover, two other computer giants- Lenovo and Asustek, are also facing the same dilemma  They had also planned Windows 8 tablets in the price range of $599 but Microsoft has consigned their plans to dust for the time being by pricing Surface tablet at $499. If Microsoft is successful with its Surface tablet and Windows RT and future hardware then it will be extremely difficult for its partners who had planned Windows 8 tablets, to compete with Microsoft.

The weeks ahead will be very crucial for Microsoft and its partners to decide how to take forward their business of tablets on Windows 8 platform. If Microsoft’s plan was just to introduce Windows 8 RT with its own hardware then it would be good news for its partners. On the contrary, if Microsoft has serious plans to foray into hardware business and it was testing waters with Surface then it could be curtains for its partners because they would not be able to compete in pricing with Microsoft.


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