HomePhonesAn Overview Of BlackBerry Smartphones

An Overview Of BlackBerry Smartphones

Gadgets make communication among people easier these days. Businessmen in particular are benefiting from the many hi-tech features and VoIP services that these gadgets provide. When on the go, their Smartphones and laptops are both capable of efficiently managing their communication needs.

While the laptop is a more powerful equipment to have around when traveling, Smartphone is handier which makes it the gadget of choice among businessmen who need to multi-task. They are also generally cheaper than laptops.


BlackBerry Smartphone

According to research, 25% of mobile devices sold in 2011 are smartphones with BlackBerry accounting 3% of total sales. This figure is not surprising. BlackBerry is adept at performing various online functions like Internet browsing, instant messaging and emailing. Aside from its own BlackBerry messenger service, it is fully equipped to accommodate a wide range of messaging and VoIP applications like Tringme, Truphone, Mo-call, Google voice Skype and many others. Of course, it also has the usual functions all handheld units have – music playing, video and photo taking.

BlackBerry Enterprise Server

Designed as a digital personal assistant this Smartphone offers one of the most effective and efficient email service that businessmen and even individuals will find useful. It comes equipped with what the phone’s developers refer to as the BlackBerry Enterprise server (BES) that can be accessed through free software called BES express. This software helps business organizations with many users manage their email operations efficiently through their own networks.

The BES automatically relays emails from the organization’s mailbox to the mobile blackberry, which means people constantly receive new mails and get updates on business development wherever they might be. This process known as push mail is more expedient than the other methods that require the user to manually synchronize data or having a device that needs to check with a server from time to time to get updates.

The messaging system built into the BlackBerry is also capable of handling poll messages coming from third party applications. The BES manages the connections to the mail providers of users. It also has a storage space that allows access to data even in places when there are no wireless services. Once the Smartphone is reconnected, the BES sends the data to it.

Newest Innovation

A feature which makes newer models of the BlackBerry innovative is the trilateration process that allows users to pinpoint the present location without the help of the Global Positioning system (GPS). Without the GPS, the batteries of handheld units last longer.   The efficiency of the trilateration, however, is not as good as the GPS owing to a variety reasons, including distance, mountains or large buildings obstructing cell tower signals.


The BES gives TCP/ICP connectivity to Blackberry units via the Mobile Data system service. These enable users to integrate and customize applications by using data downloaded into the units’ devices that work on the Sun Java ME platform.

BES, in addition, provides security to both MDS and email traffic to and from mobile units through AES encryption. Generally, rates of most providers are fixed for unlimited traffic from the BES to Blackberry units. On top of this, BES also offers unmetered services for intranet connections and customized internal applications.

BlackBerry is constantly upgraded to a better, faster and more efficient delivery of information services. In fact in its latest OS versions, 3.8 and 4.0, MDS is no longer required to access the Internet.  Expect the BlackBerry to come up with more innovative messaging and VoIP features that would allow it to maintain its edge against other mobile phones units in the market.


Author : Michelle Simpson is a full-time professional editor that focuses on online writing services, specialized in the field of technology like RingCentral Hosted VoIP PBX, business and current trends in the industry.



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