HomeAppsFor Best Properties In South India & Pune, Mantri App Will Be...

For Best Properties In South India & Pune, Mantri App Will Be Of Immense Help

download (6)Mantri Developers established in 1999 and  based in Bangalore, has been the pioneering force behind the rapidly changing skyline of south India, with developments that span the residential, retail, commercial, education and hospitality sectors in just 14 years. They offer various residential and commercial projects mainly in Bangalore, Chennai, Hydreabad and also in Pune. Mantri Developers is one of India’s most preferred real estate brands in south India. If you are looking for a property in South India in aforesaid cities and in Pune then all you have to do is download their app, which is available for Android and iOS devices. No need to involve brokers and waste your time by going from one place to another. In this age of technology, you can search your dream property while sitting in the confines of your home or office.


The Mantri app can be downloaded for free from Google Play or Apple Store, which has a file size of 11.52 MB for Android and 15.1 MB for iOS. When you open the app, you will find two prominent icons on top of the screen. On the top left corner, there is icon of phone and on the right side there is icon of the letter. If you press the phone icon, you will be connected to the Toll free number of Mantri Developers and the beauty of this service is that if you don’t want to wait for your call to be answered then you can simply disconnect the number and the customer care representative of Mantri shall call you promptly to know your requirements. Alternatively, you can punch your details by pressing the letter icon and submit the details and this will also result in quick reply by phone or mail.

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The main display of the app shows all the ongoing projects of the Mantri and if you press on the project, you will be prompted to the next page of that particular project and you will find icons to get the specific information. For instance, you can see the icons of Gallery, Amenities, Floor Plan, Location map, specification and enquiry. For instance, if you press specification icon, you will get the detailed specifications of the project such as civil as well as interior details. If you want to get further details about the prices, status of the project and when the same will be ready, all you have to do is to press enquiry icon and you can send your queries via gamil, yahoo mail or by bluetooth etc.

There is also very useful feature for quick glancing about the Mantri projects in different cities on this app. The moment you press the Project icon on the display, you are immedaitely taken to Google map and it shows mantri logo on four cities where Mantri has the presence. For instance, if you press Mantri logo on the Google map of Bangalore city then it will show all types of the projects of Mantri available in the city and their location. Before going through the particular project, one can have the quick idea about their interest of projects availabe and then you can search the same in detail in the other section as explained above.


Besides above features, the Mantri app also provides the additional information about the associate companies of the company and how to calculate the EMI if you are planning to buy any property agains the bank loan. You can reach this section by pressing More icon on the bottom at the right side of the display page. You will see various icons including EMI Calculator and Contact us besides others. You can refer a friend to any of the Mantri project and if that deal materialises then you will definitely get rewarded by gifts under the Mantri Insignia programme and this feature can be seen by pressing My Mantri icon on the display page.

Mantri mobile app can be downloaded here for free on the Android and iOS platforms.


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