HomeAppsCyanogenMod Users Save Time And Bandwidth With CyanDelta Updater Android App

CyanogenMod Users Save Time And Bandwidth With CyanDelta Updater Android App

All those who have been using CyanogenMod must be well aware of the fact that the nightly builds popping up every other night weigh around ~150MB (herein talking about Galaxy S II). Downloading these rom updates every night kind of bogs down the users especially those who are on metered broadband connection and/or are short on time.

Addressing this isses, CyanDelta Updater android app has been released in android market. Available for free, ad supported, CyanDelta asks you to input the latest build you have downloaded, analyzes it accordingly. Once incremental update is available it fetches only those files which have been altered (by performing a simple match with current build) thus essentially reducing the download size considerably (for me the update with CyanDelta has never been more than ~15 MB, saving approx. 130 MB!).

Moreover CyanDelta, after fetching the changed files, recompiles the ROM right by itself, creates a new flashable ROM ready to be used. No sweat. All this is done offline (except for downloading part) right on your android device. And on a side note CyanDelta uses get.cm to check for updates so you are always up-to-date with what’s available for your device.

Another thing is that you no longer have to log on to get.cm in order to check for updates, CyanDelta automatically checks for updates at regular intervals and notifies if one is available. Task cut short to just installing the ROM, the rest is taken care of 🙂

Download CyanDelta Updater for free from Google Play store using image link below. It is a must have app for CyanogenMod users. Highly recommended.


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