HomeEditorialDeath of Lokpal - Last Rites On 29th December Followed By Prayer...

Death of Lokpal – Last Rites On 29th December Followed By Prayer On 30th Dec.

As I wrote in my previous blog, our present government is not interested to bring strong Lokpal Bill, as it fears that its members will come under scrutiny of effective ombudsman. As a matter of fact, none of the 545 members of august house of parliament is interested to bring strong anti-corruption bill, for one reason or the another, for vested interests.

22nd December was the black day when the weak and feeble Lokpal Bill was introduced in  Lok Sabha and the moment it arrived in the house, the bill breathed its last. Our so called self-proclaimed worthy members of parliament tore apart the dead body of Lokpal and even the sympathisers were shedding crockodile tears.

There is discussion about dead Lokpal Bill from 27th to 29th December in Lok Sabha and last rites will be performed most probably by the evening of 29th December. And on 30th December, prayers will take place in prisons  and the chief priest – Anna Hazare will head this function.

This fate was preordained and for 43 years, we have been waiting for strong Lokpal Bill but alas our political class cannot afford to write their own death warrants because majority of them are corrupt and entangled in one controversy/scam or another. If a selfless 74 years old person like Anna Hazare protests peacefully and ask for anti-corruption mechanism to be enforced, what wrong he is doing. Why all the members of parliament criticise him for imposing his dictates on parliament. It is not his dictates but  cries of common man who is fed up with day to day corruption in all walks of life. Can anyone of our parliamentarian get his building plan sanctioned from any Municipal Corporation without greasing the palms of concerned officers. Can anybody think of getting Import-Export Code number without paying under the table and so many instances can be cited.

The most unfortunate spectacle of 2011 was observed by me yesterday. Our most honest, learned PM – Dr. Manmohan Singh was sitting like a statue when all the members of his party were thumping the desks when Anna Hazare was being criticised, as if they have achieved victory of any sort. He may not be Father of Nation and nor he wants this accolade, but he is crusader against corruption and because of his efforts atleast the Lokpal Bill was introduced in the parliament and it is another matter that it died immediately on arrival.

Had I been in place of Dr. Manmohan Singh, I would have never allowed weak and meaningless Lokpal Bill to be introduced in the parliament. I know that nobody cares for him and it is the will of UPA Chairperson that prevails and she is defacto PM of India. Then where is the neccessity to pull on for ever if in front of your eyes, injustice is being done. If our PM, who happens to be Sikh, is true followers of Sikh religion then he should recall the great sacrifices of  Sikh Gurus, who laid down their lives for betterment of humanity. Tenth and last Guru of Sikhs- Guru Gobind Singh- sacrificed his young four sons for the country and it is shame our PM cannot assert his position and if nobody listens to him then our PM should throw his resignation on the face of Sonia Gandhi for her ill advised policies drafted by cunning and corrupt ministers. Dr. Singh will be remembered in posterity if he resigns in protest and join the forces of war against corruption movement.

Anna Hazare, you will have to fight long battle and we are with you. I would implore upon the readers of this blog to support Anna Hazare and join him in his peaceful agitation for revival of another strong Lokpal Bill, wherever you are and whatever way you deem fit, and do not allow this agitation to become weak. May Almighty give us courage to wipe out this cancerous disease of corruption from this country. Only All Of Us together can revive Lokpal Bill.

May God bless our beautiful country!


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