HomeBusinessFBI To Use Samsung's Galaxy Devices - Reports

FBI To Use Samsung’s Galaxy Devices – Reports

Samsung’s Galaxy range of smartphones and tablets have captured the imagination of all the segments of the world-wide markets. How can corporate and sensitive government agencies can remain far away from these innovative and easy to use devices. As reported by Reuters news agency, Samsung is close to signing a deal to sell its popular line of Galaxy devices to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation.


The deal would be a boost for Samsung, which is increasingly seeking to cater to the needs of government agencies, a niche long dominated by Canadian smartphone maker BlackBerry.The FBI, with more than 35,000 employees, at present uses mainly BlackBerry devices. It is unclear whether the agency plans to replace all BlackBerry equipment with Galaxy models or whether it will use hardware from both companies.

FBI has to move alongwith the changing technology environment of smartphones and tablets. BlackBerry has not progressed with the time and its latest BB 10 OS has not made the needed impact on the users. Now is the time either for Android devices or Apple’s iPhone or iPad in few niche markets only because of its high prices and limited models.

However, all the three entities i.e. FBI,Samsung and BlackBerry have not commented on this development because it entails confidentiality as FBI is a very sensitive organisation of US.

In May, the U.S. Pentagon cleared Samsung’s Android mobile devices and a new line of BlackBerry devices powered by the BB10 operating system for use on Defense Department networks.

Samsung has been pushing hard to convince government agencies and corporate clients that its Galaxy devices, powered by Google’s  Android operating system, can meet their stringent security needs.

The South Korean company hopes that the Pentagon clearance and the imminent deal with the FBI will help boost sales to security-conscious clients including banks and law firms.

(with inputs from Reuters)


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