HomeAppsFlashcards Pro App For Windows 8 Makes Learning Pretty Easier

Flashcards Pro App For Windows 8 Makes Learning Pretty Easier

Flashcards Pro – the latest app available on Windows 8 and Windows Phone –  will make your life easy if you have to write exams or attend an interview. With this app the learning becomes pretty easier and you can say good bye to your worries about learning.

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Flashcards Pro is a powerful learning tool for people of all ages. Using online search in Flashcards Pro, one can search and download millions of sets available on Quizlet.com and flashcardexchange.com, study them, get study analytics, and create one’s own sets as well.. There is no limit to what information can be searched for, learnt and memorized using Flashcards Pro on Windows powered Smartphones and PCs. To make the experience more intense on Windows 8, one can also use text-to-speech with 19 languages to have any content read out.

The ease of use, in addition to a large selection of sets for almost any subject on the planet makes it a one-stop e-learning solution for thousands of subjects. One can also use the built-in keywords library to find stuff one may want to learn more about. In case one cannot find what oneis looking for using the online search, flashcard sets can be created using text and images. And while working on a Windows 8 powered PC, Flashcards can be exported to PDF and MS Word documents for printing and studying offline as well.

To make learning more challenging, one can even reverse the card sides and study progress can be tracked and cards segregated into “learnt” and “yet to learn” groups.


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