In the crowd of EdTech participants, a new and interesting player has emerged. Founded in March 2020, The Language Network strives to teach more than just languages. Their motto is “promoting languages and celebrating cultures”.

The Language Network is among several new start-ups in the field of education, specifically, EduTech. EdTech softwares like Edutinker, Typeset, among others eliminate the need for physical infrastructure. The whole learning system is linked to either a work-specific application or website. EdTech and AI software have grown exponentially in the time of the pandemic. In 2021, they are expected to grow by more than 47%, says an India Today report dated May 3rd.
At The Language Network (or TLN), the students and teachers use Zoom as the main medium for communication. The main demographic of the start-up is youngsters who have gained expertise in the application out of necessity. Using specially designed study materials, TLN trains students for all the major examinations in the particular languages. Currently, they offer courses in French, Spanish, German, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, and English.
While EdTech continues to grow and expand, the need for human teachers cannot be ignored. Hence, The Language Network uses a hybrid approach to teach the languages that they offer. The platform for learning is tech-based, but the instructors are human. Moving completely to AI-based software might work for certain topics. However, languages need that human touch to be taught correctly.
What sets The Language Network apart from other players in the market are the smaller batches and attention to detail. The trainers ensure that a topic is understood by everyone before moving forward. Speaking, reading, and writing fluently are just some of the goals for them. The more important goal is recognizing the culture the language comes from.
EdTech platforms have made it infinitely easier for everyone with access to the internet to learn anything in the whole world. It is inexpensive, reduces travel time, and makes it possible for students from far and wide to attend the same class. EdTech is the future of education. The Language Network strikes the delicate balance between technology and human intelligence to come up with a system that works well for language learners.
Wow! That’s Interesting.. I feel like I should learn a foreign language too. Now that I know it’s importance.