HomeBusinessHow Tech is Changing the In-Demand Job Roles

How Tech is Changing the In-Demand Job Roles

The job market is vastly different to what it looked like a decade ago, and a lot of the changes that have occurred are down to the evolution of technology and the way that this has displaced and changed the job roles that are currently in demand. So, whether you are just starting out in your career or are looking to become more valuable within your industry, here is more information about how technology and the internet has started to impact the types of job roles that are most in-demand across the globe, as well as how technology has started to impact how people who perform these in-demand jobs.

Tech Has Created Different Job Roles

Although you might believe that technology is just a tool that can work alongside different job roles, this is not the case. Instead, tech has changed the job roles that are in-demand by creating new opportunities. For instance, companies are now looking to fill a variety of positions such as a drone operator, a social media manager, a wind energy engineer, and an app developer. Not all of these are tech jobs or jobs that you need to have technical skills for. In fact, although many people are worried about the effect of technology on their jobs, there is evidence to suggest that the new technology that is being developed could even increase the number of job roles that are available and minimize unemployment in certain areas.

However, the fact that tech has created different job roles means that skills gaps have started to develop for in-demand job roles. These have occurred when individuals have not been able to keep up with the changes that are going on within their industry, this is especially the case when it comes to tech jobs. Many of the skills required for these new job roles include tech skills which have only recently started to be taught at places of education such as universities and colleges. This increases the demand for these types of jobs as employees are desperate to fill the roles that have been left vacant and to find employees that fit the requirements of the job in question.

An additional consideration to think about when it comes to how technology has altered which job roles are in demand is the fact that technology is changing the nature of jobs all the time. Many people are now having to train for job roles that do not yet exist- and employers are trying to forecast the type of employees they may need before they are even required. So, the generations that are currently climbing up the career ladder must anticipate the needs of the workplace and continue to hone their skills to keep on top of changes within their industry. This can enable them to stay as relevant as possible in the face of the fast-changing pace of the world of work, but is obviously a difficult thing to do.

More Focus on Tech Skills in the Workplace

Before the evolution of technology, soft skills such as communication and leadership were extremely coveted by employers. In fact, in some cases, these were even more important than hard skills or qualifications. However, now these must be complemented by a healthy dose of technical skills on most application forms in order for candidates to be considered by employees. This is because most companies have now embraced technology and require employees to be able to use the technology that has infiltrated their workplace. This has also led many to look for candidates to fill new, technical roles that were previously not necessary. For instance, some of these tech roles include computer programmers, web developers, and IT support personnel who can help companies to use technology effectively every day of the week. Many of these roles have only become important – or even started to exist – within the last five or ten years, making the workplace vastly different from what it once was in many industries.

Traditional Roles Incorporating Tech

On top of all this, many traditional roles within the workplace have also started to incorporate technology. Many people that used to work in a manual role are now starting to use technology to complete their duties. This is the case for most common job roles around the globe, including those in marketing, administration and finance. For instance, the role of the marketer has drastically changed in the last couple of years. Instead of looking for a physical marketer who is adept at designing billboards and mail advertisements, companies are instead looking for digital marketers who are adept at SEO, content writing and even data analysis to create technical campaigns that can connect with a wide audience. To find out more about what the role of a modern marketer is compared to that of a traditional marketing professional, click here to read Emerson College’s blog post. Their blog post can allow you to find out whether you have the skills that it takes to keep up with the changes that are happening within your industry.

These changes have meant that many people need to constantly re-learn skills in order to stay within their industry. They may need new skills to take on the new roles that are replacing the positions that they have held for many years and if you are only just rising up the ranks within your industry, you may have to learn these technical skills alongside the soft skills and knowledge that you already have simply to attract the attention of an employer.

Some Roles Taken By Technology

However, as well as changing the job roles that are available, technology could potentially diminish the opportunities in some sectors, or even make some job roles vanish in the near future. In fact, some professionals say that almost all of the jobs that we perform today will be no more in the years to come due to the technological revolution. This is because technology has allowed some of the basic processes that are conducted in business to become automated and controlled remotely, rather than by a human. Although this can be advantageous for businesses, since it minimizes the risk of human error and saves time, this could also leave individuals without a job.

This will only increase with the development of artificial intelligence and robots, which could replace jobs in warehouses and offices in terms of roles in product retrieval and shipping. Not only this, but there is now an abundance of software that can allow companies to complete difficult tasks themselves without the professional help that used to be needed. As well as being able to complete tax returns and manage their accounts, many business owners are also able to control technical tasks themselves, such as creating a website using a website builder like WordPress.

More Focus on Remote Working

As well as changing the types of jobs that will be on offer in the future, technology is also having a large impact on how these jobs will be carried out. In a few years (and you can even see this trend currently) more businesses will be looking to fill freelance and remote working positions, rather than employ people for the office. The job roles that they will be recruiting may include writers, accountants, and even customer service individuals.

Technology has allowed for easier remote working since instant and video messaging apps ensure that there can be smooth and constant communication between employees and managers. Not only this, but cloud storage enables teams to access the files and documents that they need from anywhere in the world as long as they have a laptop or a mobile phone to hand.

There are many reasons why this way of working is likely to become prevalent and this includes the fact that offices are expensive to run and can be inefficient. Remote working can also allow employers to find people with the right talent for certain job roles from anywhere in the country – or even the World. This can help them to fill job roles that require certain hard-to-find skills. The coronavirus pandemic has also heightened this push for remote working since the health and safety regulations that were enforced on businesses in 2020 made many entrepreneurs reconsider the way that they were running their company.

Technology has drastically impacted the world of work and business, as well as the type of jobs that are currently in high demand. As well as tech jobs being in demand, technology has opened the doors for many digital roles, such as social media managers and data analysts. Many businesses now need to fill these if they are going to thrive. So, if you are just starting on your career ladder or if you own a business, you must constantly assess how technology is changing the job market and learn how to adapt your skills and experience to suit the abundance of new job roles that are cropping up around you.


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