HomePhonesHTC One Android 4.4 KitKat Update Release From January

HTC One Android 4.4 KitKat Update Release From January

Every time a new Android version is released, people eagerly wish to know for when they could get this update on their devices. Android 4.4 KitKat is likely to be one of the biggest updates till yet, so eagerness to get Android 4.4 has been extremely high. We have seen that several companies remain unspoken about their plans for Android Update in the past but now there are many companies to announce their roll out plans of Android KitKat 4.4 update for their Smartphones and tablets as well.


Surprisingly, HTC was also one of those companies that announced Android 4.4 KitKat update for the HTC One last week, with the confirmation that this update will start rolling out to HTC one devices before the end of January 2014.  According to the report, the HTC one Google Play Edition would get KitKat update within 15 days, the Developer Edition within 30 days and the regular version would get it within 90 days.

HTC also states that the KitKat software update will come up with an update to HTC’s own Sense interface. It’s the additional feature added by HTC such as Sense. HTC will start the roll-out of KitKat update with sense 5.5 for the HTC one devices before the end of January. Sense 5.5 is an improved update to the Sense 5 interface, but it will bring few interesting things to the table consisting a way to disable Blinkfeed fully.

Android 4.4 is going to roll out in late January, but it doesn’t mean that HTC one fans need to wait after Christmas as HTC One Google Play Edition will get the KitKat update by the end of November. This time company seems to have changed for better and we can now only hope that it will stand out this time with what it promises.

So what do you think of KitKat Update? Will it give a new life to HTC One and its owners? Let us know your comments.


Author : Christy Root is a professional writer based in London, and writes about Gadget & technology. You can follow her at Google+



  1. Yeah come on HTC. Make it happen and on time. My 12 yr. Old already using the nexus 5 (too much phone for him) kit kat steps up the UI so the ONE should rock.


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