HomePhonesIndian Railways Enquiry Through SMS

Indian Railways Enquiry Through SMS

In the past 5 years the indian railways network has grown enormously and has achieved profits no other government sector has achieved.
It has introduced numerous services during this period which has further helped in earning more respect amongst travelers. One of such innovative services is railways inquiry through sms. This is, i would say, a great initiative towards making railways inquiry easy. Earlier we had to call the customer care and wait for them to respond to the calls which usually took a lot of time and was very tiring ! But with the introduction of “Railways on sms” service this daunting task has been simplified into a simple one step procedure. For more information see the picture (s) below :


Train Inquiry

Ticket Inquiry
Seat Availabilty
Train Fare

Although the service is good and promises to be a time saver however it comes at a cost. You will be charged a premium rate of Rs. 3 per sms you send for inquiry purposes to the number mentioned above !

For more information visit the Indian Railways portal here.

And Do tell me how you liked the services.


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