Apple, at its latest Rock ‘n’ Roll event, has released a new iPod nano with video recording, larger screen and inbuilt FM radio. A larger screen and FM radio were much features which have finally been implemented in the latest release.
Following is a short summary of new features in apples latest venture :
- Video recording with effects – The new video camera in iPod nano lets you shoot video— even with video effects—wherever you are. Yet the new iPod nano is still the same ultraportable size.
- Genius Mixes – Genius acts as your personal DJ, searching your iTunes library to find songs that go great together, then organizing them into mixes you’ll love. All automatically !!
- FM radio with Live Pause – The new built-in FM tuner has two amazing features—Live Pause and iTunes Tagging—that make listening to the radio nothing like listening to the radio.
- Pedometer and Nike + iPod – Count every step you take with the new built-in Pedometer feature. Or add a Nike + iPod Sport Kit so your iPod can track your fitness progress.
For a complete overview of iPod nano features visit Apples Official Page.