HomeEditorialGive Us Smart Governance Or Allow FDI In Governance

Give Us Smart Governance Or Allow FDI In Governance [Editorial]

Honorable Prime Minister of India,

Neither I am an economist nor belong to manipulative, cunning and greedy breed of politician, whose trade-mark is double standard. I also understand that you are not a politician in true sense of the word but very capable economist and even the world leaders envy your wisdom on this subject.

You have taken appropriate decision in allowing FDI in retail, aviation and reducing subsidy on Diesel and LPG cylinders. These decisions should have been taken much earlier but still better late than never. We expect more reform measures from Manmohan Singh the economist than Manmohan Singh the politician.

It is good for the country that the useless flock of TMC has left you, which was stumbling block in the road to progress. You should take this opportunity as blessing in disguise and since you have the numbers to survive full term, now we want to see your acumen in handling the economy of the country, which is in doldrums. You should not care about anybody now and in true animal spirits, take bold and effective decision for the betterment of the country. You have limited period to show results and you will be remembered by posterity for bringing out the country from dire straits.

Our railways, which are life line of common people, is in complete mess, as it was handled in most unprofessional manner by useless politicians of TMC. Indian railways require a very competent and technocat professional to put it back on the right track. Without considering political compulsions, you must appoint a very capable and hard-working person to head this ministry, who should devote full time to this portfolio.

In order to achieve economical results, you will have to assert yourself and take drastic steps to root out the stigma of corruption from your governance. Your government has made records of corruption of sorts and thanks to steadfastness and diligence of Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG), various scams like 2G, Common Wealth Games, Adarash Housing Society and Coalgate of huge propotions have been higlighted. There is no denying the fact that you are very clean, honest and spotless person, but unfortunately many amongst yours cabinet are not. Here, you lack in governance and give the opposition and general public to pass strictures against you. You are an intellectual and wise person in the company of wrong people, whose only motto in life is to make money by hook or crook.

You will have to be smart enough to weed out crooked elements, come what may. Not only corrupt politicians, even laid back bureaucrats should be shaken from their slumber and should be asked to justify their huge remuneration and perks.

Mr. Prime Minister, you have the wisdom and golden opportunity to set your house in order otherwise people will show you door in 2014. You can do it and only courage required is to put your foot down on whatever action you want to be executed. People of India should remember you as a man of action and not as undecisive and listless PM. We should not be compelled to say that our PM could not perform and it would have been better for him to allow FDI in good governance! Hope that type of situation will never arise.


Common Man


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