HomePhonesMake Hay While iPhone 5 Releases!

Make Hay While iPhone 5 Releases!

Apple’ new iPhone has made its debut in Australia and Japan today morning and after few hours, it will be available in UK and other countries. Long queues were witnessed in Sydney and Tokyo, where Apple aficionados braved even the rainy weather in Tokyo to get their beloved device. Keeping in view of huge rush of buyers, they were limited to buying a maximum of two phones.

Apple will be very happy to note down box-office smash hit opening of its new release. But there are others ingenious and quick-profit making human beings, who want to make money on the release day especially in London. They have already booked their places in front of Apple retail shops and would be the first customers to lay their hands on iPhone 5 the moment stores open in UK. If you are far behind the que and can’t wait for long and are eager to get the new device quickly, then even these slots of the que are for sale for few Pounds!

Apple is making money by selling their phones and these shrewd human beings are making profit just by selling the standing spots in front of the retail shops. Even, if you don’t want to take botheration of standing in line then you can shelve few Pounds more to get your new iPhone 5. This is reminiscent of pre-gone era when tickets for  first day first show Bollywood movies of stars like Rajesh Khanna,Anitabh Bacchan,Dharmedra were sold in black i.e on premium of listed  price.

In Hongkong, grey market is thriving just outside the Apple store. Agaisnt the  normal retail price starting  at HK$5,588 in the Apple store, some shrewd mortals are making cool HK$ 3000 by selling new iPhone 5 in the range of HK$ 9000 to HK$ 10,000.

The critics of Apple may say new iPhone 5 does not have wow factor or its new iOS 6 is deficient in many respects, but Apple lovers damn care about these analysis and they are crazy to have this new phone at the first available opportunity. If this is not wow factor then may be crazy factor and this factor suits Apple Inc.!


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