HomeAppsMicrosoft Garage Apps - Sprightly, Connections, Kaizala- Are For Small Businesses To...

Microsoft Garage Apps – Sprightly, Connections, Kaizala- Are For Small Businesses To Increse Productivity

To address the need of small businesses to run their business more effectively, Microsoft Garage recently introduced three business productivity Android apps – Sprightly, Connections and Kaizala. These apps aim to solve SMB needs around digital presence, business relationships, team management and business transactions. Sprightly helps effortlessly create, share and consume professional digital content on phone including catalogs, pricelists, promotions and e-cards. Connections helps grow the business by providing context to interactions during customer phone calls. Kaizala enables efficient business transactions over clutter-free conversations.

These innovative apps released through Microsoft Garage are designed to increase productivity of individuals and businesses while keeping them connected on the move.

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Sprightly is an app for digital-content creation on phones that caters to an audience mainly focused on small-and mid-sized businesses. The app makes it easy to create professional-looking content on a mobile device to help businesses showcase and promote their products in a better manner.

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Connections helps users organize information about one’s friends, family members, and work acquaintances in an organized and chronological manner. Connections helps individuals and small businesses be prepared for every conversation by way of capturing, surfacing and sharing of context in the form of contact categories, notes and reminders.


Kaizala is a productive chat application that supports clutter – free team conversations and helps work get done. It enables task assignment, tracking and confirming availability in a team. The app has been specially designed to help users, who are always on the move, keep track of items and other team members.

Sprightly, Connections and Kaizala are currently available on Android platform. These apps will also be available on the iOS platform shortly.

You can download these apps here for free :  Sprightly | Connections | Kaizala


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