On Monday Microsoft announced that its Xbox 360 game console will also have Twitter and Facebook interfaces. That means while playing your favorite games you will be able to tweet and update your status on both Facebook and Twitter. As the Xbox UK site states this feature is coming soon (Autumn 2009).
I think by launching this service Microsoft is re-inventing the couch potato phenomenon. Because now socializing will become easy for those people also who do hardcore gaming while resting on their comfortable couch seats. Yes this is a reflection of how our daily lives are influenced by social media and that too online.
I already feel this new feature to be a hit but looking at the cost it may be a bit heavy on your pocket. Since an Xbox Live Gold subscription will be required to use either service after the expiry of the free trial. A Gold subscription costs $50 per year which includes online play, Netflix streaming, etc.
I am waiting for the time when this new feature will hit the Xbox 360 systems and what will be its effect on social media. If you have any comments on this new feature please be kind to share with us. Here is the link to the official Xbox UK website
What about PSP and PS3????