HomeComputingWays To Protect Your Online Data

Ways To Protect Your Online Data

You can save money and enjoy the convenience of accessibility and collaboration if you tap the internet to store and back up your data. Cloud service providers such as Dropbox, Google Drive and Box can make it easier for you to store and retrieve your data online but despite the growing popularity of cloud storage services and the benefits that these offer, you should be cautious of the implications of having to depend on the internet for keeping copies of your data. Storing your data online without observing precautions and security measures can get hackers and unauthorized users to access and even modify the files that you have stored online. To keep your data secure, here are some of the practices that you should observe every time you store your files online:


  • Do not Use Your Cloud Storage Account to Store Sensitive Information

A lot of people think that because online cloud service providers employ state of the art methods to secure the data that are stored in their servers, it is safe to store confidential and sensitive data online. Cloud storage is not meant for keeping sensitive files. You should therefore avoid using your cloud storage account to store data that you do not feel confident sending through your email. Your passwords, credit card details and online banking credentials should not be kept for safekeeping online because these data can be compromised in case of hacking incidents. Hackers who are able to get through your account can take advantage of the sensitive data that you have to access your email, credit card and bank accounts.  The best way to keep your sensitive information is still the old school way. You should memorize the information or write the details down and keep them in a secure location.

  • Avoid Recycling Passwords

You may already be familiar about the importance of choosing hard to guess passwords. You can make it more difficult for hackers to access your files and data in your cloud storage account if you use a combination of letters and numbers as password. Still, you increase the risks of your account getting hacked if you recycle passwords you have already used on your other online accounts. Even if you have chosen a good password, reusing it from or for your other online accounts can be a costly mistake. If you are using the same password for your email and your cloud storage account, for example, and scammers are able to phish your email’s password from you, your cloud storage account can also get compromised because both accounts use the same log in credentials. The same holds true with your RingCentral account. You should have unique log in credentials for your accounts with web based phone service providers to avoid unauthorized access and usage. You should also see to it that you change your password from time to time. Changing your password often is an effective security measure that can protect your cloud storage account from unauthorized access.

  • Password Protect Your Files

You should have a backup plan in case somebody manages to crack your password or bypass your cloud storage service provider’s security measures. You can do this by encrypting your files for an additional layer of protection. Before uploading your files for storage online, try to password protect them so they cannot be easily viewed or accessed regardless if your account’s security gets compromised.  You can use file compression tools for creating a password protected zip file. You may also want to use Cloudfogger, TrueCrypt and BoxCryptor to encrypt the files that you will upload and store.



Author : Michelle Simpson is a full-time professional editor that focuses on online writing services, specialized in the field of technology like RingCentral IP PBX, business and current trends in the industry.



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