HomeBusinessHow Does Your Web Host Affect Your Page SEO?

How Does Your Web Host Affect Your Page SEO?

When it comes to a Google search, the highest results reap the largest audience. The site that appears at the very top of a Google page search will net no less than 33% of its audience, while the second site must settle for only half of that figure. Your website needs to explore every option for improvement in the long quest to climb to the top of a search and stay there. How does the website’s host affect its result in search engine ranking?

How Do You Rank Website Search Engine Ranking


Users expect to get from point A to point B on the Internet in a fraction of a second. The Nielsen Norman Group, a company that specializes in evidence-based user experience research, found that the average pages visit lasts less than a minute, while the average page viewer reads only about a quarter of the text. Search engine providers have picked up on the importance of ranking faster websites higher in order to provide a quicker answer to any search query. A web hosting provider that often lags takes precious seconds to load visuals or videos and occasionally fails to load altogether will show up lower on a search engine than a web hosting provider that offers better connection speed.

Uptime and Downtime

Everyone expects to pay for a website when it works smoothly, but you pay more for Internet downtime than you ever would for uptime. Emerson Network, a company specializing in the development of infrastructure strategies and connectivity technologies, reported that the average IT downtime costs a company close to $5,600 per minute, meaning that a full year’s downtime would run up a bill of some $2 billion. Search engines take downtime into account for page rankings, meaning you want to look for a company featuring better uptime statistics or one that offers the same uptime guarantee as Sharepoint Hosting from myhosting.com. Remember that even a web host featuring a 99% uptime ratio leaves the customer on the hook for seven hours of downtime per month.

Cloud Infrastructure

The cloud revolution has not gone unnoticed by search engines. Google’s use of geotargeting lets webmasters saturate a desired vicinity with targetted search results, so that they can better compete with their immediate colleagues and e-rivals. With the ability to set geographic determinants on your search criteria (such as a restaurant within a mile of your home), websites without geographic boundaries for their servers can slip into search criteria from thousands of miles away. A cloud function lets webmasters set up their site remotely in order to appeal to a much wider audience than if they had specified the server at a physical site. Not all web hosts, however, offer cloud storage and hosting for their customers. A web developer interested in showing up at the top of a search in both Los Angeles and Tokyo will not have the same success if they cannot use a cloud protocol for their site.



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