HomeAutomobileWhen is The Perfect Time to Buy A Car?

When is The Perfect Time to Buy A Car?

Buyers are always searching for a means to save money on some main purchases. Much thought is always dedicated to the best moment to make a purchase. Most people make their purchases on Black Friday because of how affordable they are.

It is not strange to find people also asking the best time to make a car purchase. The best time to make that car purchase is when the buyer is ready. Purchasing a car can be a little difficult and one can take right up to a month to make the purchase decision. Based on car news Australia, here are some of the periods to consider making a car purchase.

End of the month

When it’s the last day of the month, car dealers may put up some promotional sales to recoup the money they have lost in the month. This period is one of the best to take advantage of. This period is unpredictable because when dealers meet their sales target, they do not do discount sales. New-car incentives are ideal for days after the month which makes the buyer get a good offer.

End of the calendar year

This is another amazing period to do a car purchase. This is because; most car dealers want to end the year with strong sales. The sales aim to get rid of the new cars and bring in new car models. The month of December is always the best time to take advantage of the huge sales.

The best month to do a purchase

Though December is one of those amazing months to take advantage of car discount sales, there are also other months in the year with similar opportunities. These sales always come up after a new model of a car has been introduced. According to car news Australia, January and April are slow selling months while the best deals have taken place from October to December.

Smallest discounted months

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April

Months with better discounts

  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September

Months with the highest discount

  • October
  • November
  • December

What time of the year do new car models come out?

New car models are usually introduced in the fall period though there is no specific time of the year as some can be released even in early spring periods or summer of their model year. In other words, you will find some 2021 cars up for sale as early as spring 2020. Some 2021 models will not show up in sales till mid-2020. 

Best time to buy a used car

From October till December are some of the best periods to purchase a used car. These months match with the new-car purchasing high seasonal periods, which implies more dealership deals are approaching the second-handed car seasons. 

More trade-ins change to a better collection of used cars and at more affordable prices especially for car dealers trying to meet up with their yearly sales. If in need of the best prices to purchase a used-car then December is one of those best periods.


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