HomeAppsYahoo Go! To Be Discontinued From 12th January, 2010

Yahoo Go! To Be Discontinued From 12th January, 2010

Yahoo Go! is a mobile application from Yahoo (as the name suggests) which enables us to check (and reply) emails on the go (thus the name Yahoo Go!). I am an avid user of Yahoo Go! and recently have started giving preference to it over Google’s mobile app.

Reason being :

  • Google’s application was slow in loading emails.
  • It didn’t work with the internet plan i am using.

Since its launch Yahoo Go! has been updated twice i.e to version 2.0 and 3.0(latest).

Coming back to the post title, the news actually came as a shocker to me. I got an email from Yahoo stating,

Yahoo! Go will be discontinued on January 12, 2010, at 12:00 a.m. PST, so that we may focus on simplifying and enhancing your future mobile Web experiences. After this date, you will no longer be able to use Yahoo! Go 2.0 or 3.0 from your mobile phone.

We encourage you to visit the new mobile homepage from your mobile browser to access an even richer, more personalized Yahoo! experience.


I don’t really understand as to why does Yahoo wants to shut such a useful service which doesn’t suck rather is much better than its competitor.
I seriously hope that Yahoo re-thinks its decision to close down this service and instead develops this application further.

Psstt… – As i told you, i am a regular user of Yahoo Go!, therefore because of its closure, am now looking for its substitute. So, let me know if you know some good app.


  1. @Vaibhav You are talking about the desktop version of Yahoo. Right ? Well, the desktop version is bad but i liked the mobile email application of Yahoo more than that of Google’s.

  2. I never liked Yahoo. Its yMail is full of irrelevant ads. Though Gmail also shows them, they are nicely tucked away in the sidebar and are textual. Also, Yahoo does not offer IMAP!

    Their competition got the better of them it seems.
    .-= Vaibhav – Programming Kid´s last blog ..Buy a Domain for 99c only [GoDaddy Coupon] December 2009 =-.


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