HomeAutomobile5 Tips to Renting a Van in the UK

5 Tips to Renting a Van in the UK

Traveling to the UK as a family is the perfect way to reconnect and spend quality time together. However, you can’t simply up and leave without a solid plan. When it comes to transportation, there are three main options you can choose from. You can either choose to use public modes of transport or hire a cab to take you from place to place. The third option involves renting a van that can carry more people than a standard car can.  After all, a van’s convenience and added comfort makes it the best option when you are going to be on the road often.

When traveling to the UK, you can seek the reliable services of SCVH Van’s For Hire. You’ll get access to a wide assortment of vans to choose from.

Here are 5 tips to renting a van in the UK:

  • Plan your travel itinerary

Before heading out for a gallivanting spree in the UK, it’s important to create a plan. First, figure out how many people will tag along. If you’re travelling as a family, you might require a van to move around. If it’s a couple’s getaway, get a smaller car for exclusive privacy and comfort. Vans come in a variety of sizes – you can hire a small van or a larger Luton depending on your budget as well as the squad size.

  • Compare different car rental prices

This might sound like an obvious tip, but many travelers disregard the essence of a good bargain. Since you’ll require to save up for other excursions, look for a convenient car rental agency that offers delightfully affordable prices. This process might require some prior online investigation. If you’re not too tech-savvy, seek help from a trusted colleague or friend. You can also ask for recommendations from family members who’ve previously traveled to the UK.

  • Carry all relevant documents

You’ll need to have your driver’s license before hiring a van to move around the UK. Ensure you’ve tucked the license in your suitcase when traveling. It’s also wise to have your credit card with you – this will help to facilitate any extra deposits. Some car hire agencies will require to see a recent copy of your utility bill to ascertain your address. Once you’ve provided these documents, the company will readily provide you with a van.

  • Avoid purchasing extra insurance coverage

Some car rental services will coax you into buying insurance coverage for the stipulated rental period. Your home insurance already covers the rental cars you drive, so you don’t need extra coverage when you’re renting a car in the UK. However, ensure you read your auto insurance policy before making the assumption that you’re covered.

  • Familiarize yourself with driving a van

If you’ve been driving a small vehicle for years, you’ll quickly find out that driving a van is quite different. Luckily, you can familiarize yourself with vans by getting behind the wheel before the actual trip arrives. Large vans will feel wider and higher than small cars, so it’s important to take precautions. Get an experienced van driver to show you around the city. With consistent practice, it won’t take long to drive a van comfortably.

Ensure you follow these few tips before heading to the UK.


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