HomeTipsKnow Your Blog Type

Know Your Blog Type

Nowadays it is very easy to find a number of blogs on any particular topic say fashion ,technology, videos ,etc. But do you know that what type of blog do you run or visit daily. Based on the type of media presented in a blog, here are a few tips to recognise a blog type :-

1. Vlog (Video Blogging)

This is one of the most popular form of blogging. Youtube and Metacafe are some of the biggest examples of Vlogs . Video blogging is a form of blogging for which the medium used is video. Entries are made regularly and often combine embedded video or a video link with supporting text, images, and other metadata. Vlogs exist to share videos with others and to distribute them over and over.
2. Linklog

This is another form of blogging in which the bloggers or the blog maintainers collect URLs (hyperlinks) which they consider interesting enough to collect and share. In a linklog entries are listed in reverse chronological order. The posting is limited to a single link per post per title but some further description may be added to the link and its whereabouts. A very common example is Digg ,it also offers URLs that are submitted by its members and ranks them according to their popularity.

Blog Type

3. Photoblog/Sketchblog

A photoblog is a form of photosharing and publishing in a format of blog. In this type of blog images rather then text is used to communicate and share. Well a popular example of a photoblog is Flickr (i think we all know about it). Nowadays photoblogs are gaining much popularity since people use them for finding images for their personal as well as their professional uses.  Adding images to even a small bit of text makes the whole thing more meaningful.

5. Tumblelogs

Blogs with shorter posts and mixed media type are referred to as a tumblelogs. Well my blog is an example of tumblelog. A tumblelog is also one of the most popular form of blogging since it combines short posts along with related images and videos for better understanding of concepts. Just under tumbleblogs i found our latest concept i.e microblogging. Twitter is the best example of microblogging since it has taken microblogging to a new level. Microblogging is a form of multimedia blogging that allows users to send brief text updates or micromedia such as photos or audio clips and publish them, either to be viewed by anyone or by a restricted group which can be chosen by the user.
6. Typecasting (Blogging)

These are the most rare type of blogs since in this form the blog is first written on a typewriter and then it is scanned (wow). I must say that it is a very rare concept. In this age of supercomputers still people exist who are fond of typewriters. Many people that typecast do so in order to preserve typewriting as a means of creating texts, a means of remembering a vanishing skill or as a form of manual communication.

So next time if someone asks you that what type of blog do you run, you can simply answer them !

Well we would also like to know your blog type and any information you have regarding the topic, so please be kind to share with us.


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