HomeComputingAmazon's Kindle Fire Tablet Faces Severe Criticism From Its Users - Remedial...

Amazon’s Kindle Fire Tablet Faces Severe Criticism From Its Users – Remedial Action Promised

As per New York Times report, Amazon’s much hyped and heavily promoted Kindle Fire tablet is facing lot of criticism from its early users.

A few of their many complaints:

  • There is no external volume control.
  • The off switch is easy to hit by accident.
  • Web pages take a long time to load.
  • There is no privacy on the device.
  • The touch screen is frequently hesitant and sometimes downright balky.
Amazon cannot afford to get adverse publicity for its ambitious Kindle Fire, which is very economical compared to any tablet in the market so far. It is not making money on the hardware as reported by us earlier and different sources. It plans to make money on the movies, books and music that users download directly from Amazon.

Amazon has  acknowledged that it is working on improvements.”In less than two weeks, we’re rolling out an over-the-air update to Kindle Fire”, said Drew Herdener, a company spokesman. There are also rumors that improved version of Kindle Fire will be launched in the spring.

All said and done, the products sourced from Taiwan/China under OEM arrangements, can not be successful all the times unless you have very strong Research and Development team and very strict Quality Control infrastructure to check the products. Whether online retailer – Amazon.com or e-book sellers Barnes & Noble, who are sourcing their Kindle Fire and  Nook tablets from Taiwan, have the necessary infrastructure to test the products, is a moot point.


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