HomeEditorialAnna Hazare To Begin Fast In Mumbai From 27th December - Mumbaikars...

Anna Hazare To Begin Fast In Mumbai From 27th December – Mumbaikars Make This Peaceful Protest Successful

Dear Mumbaikars – now the ball is in your court. Our beloved crusader against corruption has already landed in your city to commence his fast from 27th December for strong Lokpal Bill, which this corrupt and inefficient government has no intent to bring in. Weak Lokpal Bill is meaningless exercise and it will not serve any puspose.

I am from Delhi and when Anna Hazare went on hunger strike here, we whole heartedly supported him and spent lot of time with him. Now, it is your turn to support him and join him in this war against corruption. He is fighting this long battle for us and our future generations. Corruption has spread like cancer in this country and no work is possible without greasing the palms of concerned government personnels.

I do not blame bureaucracy for the mess they are in but our worthy politicians and ministers, and majority of them are enmeshed in one controversy/scam or another. Can you get any project cleared without making the concerned minister richer? As you know the answer is Big NO.

It is ideal time for Mumbaikars to come in great numbers at the designated place in Mumbai and join Anna Hazare in his peaceful agitation against current government. Greater the numbers the greater the chance for this dumb government to hear the sentiment of the general public, who are fed up with this menace of corruption.

Hope citizens of Mumbai will not disappoint the rest of India. My earnest appeal to Bollywood also to come in good numbers at the venue of Anna Hazare and show your support to this noble cause.

Anna Sir, Go on with your fast and all of us are with you. God bless our country!


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