HomeAppsBest Twitter Application For Mobile: Gravity Vs Snaptu

Best Twitter Application For Mobile: Gravity Vs Snaptu

I have quite often been asked on twitter and via comments, the best twitter application (client) for mobile phones running on symbian platform. And my answer has always been Gravity (Am overtly happy with Gravity on my Nokia 5800 and 5230). However, i have seen many twitter users using Snaptu as well and recommending the same to others. Though, Snaptu isn’t what i recommend but i still gave it a try and am now writing this article comparing Gravity and Snaptu:

User Interface (UI)

Gravity scores without any doubt when compared to Snaptu or any other twitter client available in the market. Easy on eyes, accessibility, access to most of the features in maximum of 2 touches (key presses), are some of the main features of Gravity. Snaptu on the other hand isn’t bad either but lacks that smoothness which Gravity brings into picture.

Gravity: +1

Update Interval

Yet another excellent feature provided by Gravity is the ability to set the update interval of your timeline (replies, direct messages, etc.). The update interval can be adjusted as per your requirements i.e heavy users can set the update interval to 3-4 minutes (more options are available) and not-so-frequent tweeters can set the update interval at 1 minutes (minimum). Thus, allowing you to manage your API efficiently. Snaptu, on the other hand controls the update interval all by itself.

Gravity: +1

Snaptu: +1


Useful for those who own a GPS enabled mobile phone. Geo-tagging is a great way to keep your followers informed about your location. Gravity does this job without any glitch whereas Snaptu doesn’t even have this feature. This for me is a let down when more and more people are using Geotagging applications like Foursquare (integrated in Gravity!).

Gravity: +1


Gravity allows you to quickly switch between different timeline’s with just a touch (or press of a button). However, Snaptu on the other hand loads the timeline each time you want to access it. And frankly nobody wants to wait even for a  few seconds for the “replies” or “direct messages” timeline to load! Right?

Gravity: +1

Image Sharing

There are time when you want to share images with your followers on twitter and for doing that besides having a good camera, you also need an application to do the same. Gravity allows you to upload images (via twitpic, yfrog, flickr, etc.) directly to your mobile (with original quality or scaled down version) and post the link directly on twitter! Snaptu, again, fails in this department, not allowing uploading of images.

Gravity: +1


Getting notified about new timeline updates, replies, direct messages, etc is important when you are performing other functions on your mobile phone. Gravity has a feature which allows you to set notification alert via sound or vibration. This, although, not a ground breaking feature is certainly important to users like me who do more than just tweeting via mobile phone. As far as Snaptu is concerned, it doesn’t have any notification feature to inform user about updates. A certain plus point and yet another reason for me to choose Gravity over Snaptu.

Gravity: +1


The most important factor for some but not for me. Anyways, Gravity unlike Snaptu IS NOT a freeware i.e you need to purchase it. Gravity costs $ 9.95 (Rs. 498 approx.). Snaptu on the other hand, is a free java application and can be downloaded by anyone easily.

Snaptu: +1

Availability For Mobile Phone’s

Gravity is only available for Symbian (For Eg. Nokia 5800, 5233, 5230, N97 mini, E63, etc) whereas Snaptu is a java based application and thus can be installed on almost any device that runs/supports java. Not every mobile phone user owns a symbian running cell phone. So, all those who fall in the “others” category have no option but to use Snaptu.

Snaptu: +1


From the above mentioned features, it is clear that Gravity (Scores 6) is way more useful and powerful application for tweeting as compared to Snaptu (Scores 3). This being said, people are still using Snaptu and the 2 things that are keeping the Snaptu users from using Gravity are Price tag and Operating System.

Don’t forget to share your views regarding Gravity and Snaptu as twitter application. I would be happy to know which application are you using currently for tweeting through your mobile phone!

Download Trial Version Of Gravity From HERE.

Download FREE Version Of Snaptu From HERE.


  1. Vishalb,
    i have open your given site but it only give specifications of samsung wave2 but how to use these links there is no clue of it. just to update i am useing 3g connection of vodafone. request you if you can help me now. regards amitabh

  2. Click on ‘Add Account’ and select the service, key in credentials, tap on ok. You are done! If you set gravity to auto connect then it will stay connected and you will be receiving updates whenever it’s running.

    Gravity is completely safe. I have been using it for more than a year now.

  3. Hi, thanku for those apps, Gravity was the best for my Nokia 5230.I need some help how to login ,logout in gravity is it go online and go offline?,and is it a safe using gravity?

  4. Very good comparison. I have used both. Gravity support multi accounts, excellent UI, speed and Ease of use. No doubt gravity is best Twitter for Symbian platform. On the other hand, Snaptu is more than just twitter client. Snaptu is a gr8 product, freeware makes is more attractive.

  5. hi.

    Please provide us the link to the Gravity application. I’ve googled but couldn’t find its official site or a place to download (a trial version).


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